Look at the time line of WWII. The US didnt really get involved (except for a few nods in Winstons general direction) until after Pearl Harbour. The US had just gone through a period of almost complete isolationism.
Despite having declared neurtrality the country did not do much with regard to sitting on the ole tush. The Liberty ships and the flood of goods as aid to the UK should be a pretty clear indication of that. We had so many ships and so many convoys it just about made unrestricted UBoat warfare Germany was waging worthless. Of course as Wombat noted earlier, we also didn't mind profiting from the German war machine.
There is NO parallel. What you are saying is, in effect, that had Europe completely obliterated germany at the end of WWI, then Hitler would not have risen to prominence. Wrong. The treaty of Versailles and the gross miss-management of the German economy and the world crash of the 1920's prior to Hitlers rise created him. He promised Bread and Living Room.... and removal of the treaty conditions. (we have create um..... all 3 conditions there in Iraq, surrender, sanctions and a crippled economy....)
The part about the US putting in a dictator in Iraq and recreating the situation is just your opinion. We will either leave it someone else hand, like in Afghanistan or we'll treat Iraq like we did Japan. I don't think Japan came out all that bad seeing as they are the second largest economy in the world today.
Dont revel in thaughts of your country going to war with another until you have seen the same.
The US may well knock 7 bells out of Iraq (again) and install their own pet dictator (again), but where does it get us in the rest of the world? The US with another puppet, and a launchpad on Saudi arabia or Iran? no thanks
I already quoted some of our darker history with regard to our phase of imperialist expansion, but I don't think you'll find an example in our history of that style of action.