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"Joint Resolution to Authorize the use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq"

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  • #61
    Yeah, when the Jews came in from Egypte, they killed us or drove those of us that did not die away.....

    We are kinda pissed off at how them Jews and Arabs are quabling over *our* land, that was so brutefuly stolen from us.

    But we have learned that using history to show you are right often makes you cause new, more and worser wrongs....

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    • #62
      I said that from the millions of Arabs that say they have claims for things in Israel you could find around 400,000 with legitimate claims while the rest have no legitimation. Those 400,00 cold split whatever jewish property there in in neighbouring Arab countries between themselves since many more than 400,000 jews fleed / been murdered there.
      And on the same note, the Zionists were proposed to establish their Jewish state in Ouganda, they refused. Why? Because nothing less than Israel in Palestine was acceptable to them, due to historical ties and love to the land.

      Yet you claim that those arab habitants are different from the Jewish zionist. I have a hard time swallowing this one.

      Different from what you'd like to think, the Jews weren't given the chance to flee and those who somehow managed were forbidden from entering many countries only to be SENT BACK TO EUROPE BY FORCE in order to be slaughtered by the Germans.
      So the Arab's tragedy is a tad less evil than the most evil act humanity did. Paint me unimpressed.

      And by the way Vlip. Those Jews were as German / French / Spanish / etc. as any other native. The only difference was their religion. They were truely and fully assimilated in those countries.
      Well, it was just pushing your theories about "some immigrants will steal our country for us" to the max. I'm not the one clamouring that the arabs are a danger to Europe, as such I fail to see how I could have been among those who said the Jews were a danger to Europe either.

      And a little proof:

      12 of the 100 memebers of the Reichstag (German parliment) were Jewish in 1912
      And yet you make a fuss because somehow the muslims could have representatives in European parliaments. Ohh the irony, it's killing me.

      Your country was one of those by using her so called neutrality to stop Jews from entering while giving Jewish residents to the Germans.
      I've always said the blackest spot in Switzerland's history was that stupid overzealous Swiss functionair who asked the germans to appose the infamous "J" in the passports.
      As for the refugee restriction, it wasn't a restriction against jews per se. It was just our countries leaders thought we couldn't support so much refugees. Remember Switzerland is small.
      Even though it's pretty clear that we could have taken more refugees, one could wonder what would have happened if the Swiss Governement would have yelled over the rooftops that we'd take every refugee arriving to our borders. That would have been a real immigration tsunami.
      So yes, our governement said "No more" while on the ground, most functionaries simply let most of them go through, and that is reported in the independent inquiries that took place.

      As for "giving Jewish residents to the Germans" I fail to see how Switzerland could have done that, really.

      Our history during WWII is not virgin white, but it's still way better than you are trying to portray here.

      Yet I still fail to see how this is relevant?


      • #63
        Alright, enough is enough. I've let this go on for too long. This was going along pretty good until one individual showed up and started his own personal campaign.

        Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.


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