what if someone under an NDA were to repeat the things that are already out... would that be acceptable or not?
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If something has come out into the public domain by someone breaking a NDA then I see no reason why someone like myself if I were under NDA couldn't comment on it. Ignoring it and not commenting on it would not solve anything. I don't suppose I could, if I were under NDA, verify the information has factual as that would be breaking my own NDA if I had one
Hi there,
long-time-lurker just registered, so please don't mind me too much.
@Pinky's brain,With all due respect to web sites who cowtow to the hardware companies in fear of being cut off ... the people who posted it are not necessarily the same as who were under NDA.
Some people have wondered in what ways the breach of an NDA might hurt Matrox or any other company in a similar position (i.e. material to be disclosed in 3 days' time). I won't go into details, but just as a hint:
imagine you're a company with a marketing plan, well-scheduled PR activities, etc. Now, somebody doesn't comply with the NDA that was protecting more your timing than the actual information (or rather, the timing of your marketing actions) and thus
a) lessens the impact of your proclamation as scheduled,
b) lowers the credibility of said information ("hey, who tells you this is true?" - et voila, you already have doubts in the heads of your target audience), and
c) hurts the public image your company might have enjoyed in the past by passing out bad sceenshots or dodgy/misquoted specs.
Oh, and of course there's always the matter that some people might wonder how serious Matrox actually takes their "return" to the high-performance gaming market if they don't even manage to keep unsolicitated photographers out of a NDA-covered presentation.
I think you get the picture.
P.S. of course, it's perfectly possible that the leak was planned by Matrox. "Guerilla Marketing," anybody?
Hi Impact,what if someone under an NDA were to repeat the things that are already out... would that be acceptable or not?
Commenting on such information is OK unless you are breaching the NDA . . . and unless the company that made you sign the damn thing has too much time (or too many lawyers) on their hands . . .
P.S. Some NDA include the clause that you're not supposed to say zip unless the information that's not-to-be-disclosed has become public knowledge anyway or the NDA expired. The problem is to define when something is actually "public knowledge" and when not. Under no circumstances, though, are you allowed to breach an NDA to secure a business advantage, say by going "oh, well, somebody has spilled the beans, so I'll publish this 15-pages preview already 3 days earlier." .rb
well what if some Nvidiot managed to bribe someone under NDA to make the breach? ..... big companies don’t usually play fair..... they hide behind the principles of "healthy competition" but they would do anything to create a monopoly.... take M$ for example......."They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"
Originally posted by SpiralDragon
well what if some Nvidiot managed to bribe someone under NDA to make the breach? ..... big companies don’t usually play fair..... they hide behind the principles of "healthy competition" but they would do anything to create a monopoly.... take M$ for example.......Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?
I am not complaining either ….. but I think they would do anything to slow down the Matrox train that will definitely run them overLast edited by SpiralDragon; 11 May 2002, 14:59."They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"
If you want some more info look at
«Информация к размышлению» 17 мгновений весны Положение компании Matrox на рынке вообще, и на российском в частности, довольно странное. Отношение к этому рынку еще более странное. Небольшой пример компания не удосужилась сообщить (sic!) своим дистрибуторам (за исключением очень отдельных товарищей) о выходе нового продукта. Что уж говорить о прессе… Но, как говорится, кто ищет… Мы наш...
text in russian but nice slides and pictures
and some comparison with Geoforce4 TI and Radeon 8500Last edited by paulverjans; 11 May 2002, 15:47.
Ummm guys please get over it there are no more Nvidiots. They went down along with all the other idiots when Toms Hardware forums went bye bye.
Using that term is just making yourselves look like elitest, spoiled third gradersCeleron 566@877 1.8V, 256meg generic PC-100 RAM (running at CAS2) Abit BH6, G400 16meg DH@150/200, Western Digital Expert 18gig, Ricoh mp7040A(morphed to mp7060A) Pioneer 6X DVD slot load, Motorola Cable Modem w/DEC ethernet card, Soundblaster Live Value Ver. 2, Viewsonic GT 775
that iXBT thing is cool, anybody want to translate it?
Most interesting Picture :Attached Files
Now I probably have to get myself two new monitors !
AND a new Computer table!If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.
Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."
Put the specification on the russion site true a webtranslator:
here are some translated (ehm) specs:
The Specification:
80 million transistors
Technological norm 0.15 microns
The Graphic nucleus and memory work with clock frequency down to 350 ÌÃö
High-grade 256 bats (!) DDR the trunk of memory
Throughput of local memory about 20 ÃÁ/ñåê
Volume of local memory of 64/128/256 MB
AGP 2x/4x/8x including modes SBA and FastWrites
4 ïèêñåëüíûõ the conveyor
4 textural blocks on each conveyor (!)
Fillrate: down to 1.4 Ãèãàïèêñåëÿ and down to 5.6 Ãèãàòåêñåëÿ
Topmost øåéäåðû versions 2.0 (Vertex Shader 2.0), four parallel èñïîëíÿþùèõ the block
Ïèêñåëüíûå øåéäåðû versions 1.3 (Pixel Shader 1.3), 4 textural + 5 combinational stages on everyone ïèêñåëüíîì the conveyor, with an opportunity of association of conveyors in pairs (it is received 2 conveyors on 10 combinational stages)
EMBM and DOT3 imposing of a relief
Fixed T*L DX8 (including the expanded opportunities matrix áëåíäèíãà and ñêèíèíãà). Actually represents special topmost øåéäåð
Construction, storage in local memory and a conclusion to the monitor of the image with accuracy of 10 bats on a component of color (!). Technology 10-bit GigaColor
Two built - in the chip, 400 ÌÃö, 10 bats on channel RAMDAC, using technology UltraSharp
High-grade 10 bats - > 10 bats the table for any scale - correction of the deduced(removed) image
DVD and HDTV video the decoder with accuracy (on an output(exit)) 10 bats
The conclusion of the image in sanctions down to 2048x1536x32bpp@85 Ãö Is supported
Interface TV-Out Built - in the chip with 10 bit accuracy of formation of a signal
Two digital TDMS the interface for digital outputs(exits) or external RAMDAC. The sanction down to 1920x1200x32bpp is supported
Two completely independent CRTC
The Opportunity of a conclusion of one image which has been stretched(dragged out) on two or even of three (!) receivers. For example, on 2 built - in and one external RAMDAC or on both built - in RAMDAC and TV-Out. The total sanction in a threefold mode up to 3840x1024x32bpp. Technologies TripleHead Desktop, Surround Gaming and DualHead-HighFidelity (HF)
The Adaptive version ñóïåðñýìïëèíãà (¼not óëòèñýìïëèíã!) - 16x Fragment SSAA with number ñýìïëîâ up to 16 inclusive. It is activated only on regional points of ranges.
Hardware support N-ïàò÷åé with adaptive òåññåëÿöèåé (!) and cards(maps) of displacement (Displacement mapping)
Glyph Antialiasing - technology of hardware regional smoothing and scale - correction of fonts (!)
Microsoft DirectX 8 and OpenGL 1.3. Potentially - some opportunities DirectX 9.