confirmed. i am "member" of ixbt forums so was never moderated
No announcement yet.
The russians cant listen to NDAs either.
Next time, please, write in a language that accepted by everyone. You offered: "Let's don't curse here one-by-one - the national interest is envolved."
Bah! I don't honor nationality issue. It's a belch of past times.
Besides, they notable liars. The most known Russian rating engine list their site with an announcement {tran'd}: "iXBT: Matrox Parhelia-512 - the first announce in the world..."
The article is taken away, right?
As I note it's #8 now (and I think their stats are inflated so the Rambler administration should take care about their entry).
False advertising, that's is.
you liar =)
Rambler already (1.5 years!) _NOT_ our partner øò any way. and have its own hardware project ( that direct concurent of us! Thay also scvote our old domain
dont say about what you dont know/Alexander Medvedev,
Technical Director, (,
Digit-Life (
fav, you liar =)
No way, I use an pharmaceutical scales.They are claim on the Rambler that have the first review of Parhelia. Show it to me on the site?
Rambler already (1.5 years!) _NOT_ our partner in any way. and have its own hardware project ( that direct concurent of us! Thay also scvote our old domain
Your first domain was, that have a lot of common with Rambler's past. I don't know a lot of details but I think iXBT was throw away Rambler's advertising support and moved to another ad agency because of this. I found their behaviour similiar to Parhelia case: spit some shit and run.
me ?
I am not from iXBT. I have a small reseller shop.
So, I did not take any rights. Matrox just ignored our market. Nobody from media has here the info even under NDA. So - what is the problem ? Ignored market is doing as well BUT will not support unsigned NDA.
Did not catch about brown bear, in fact.
They got their Noteriety all right. I think we noticed what a bunch of ****oles these people are. Nationality aside...An ****ole is an ****ole!!! And for those with any Integrity NDA means:
No Damn Answers!!!tm...dear ALBPM, don't say about nationality, OK ? "****ole on ****ole?" Well, I am sure you never have met Russian alive. Otherwise you would never say that.
Or you are making that conclusion watching stupid Hollywood films ? do not need any additional ad or noise - it is the web-site # 1 in Russia. It was a small revenge to the slow people working at well known company. I am sorry for my bad English, my Russian is much better.
I stand by what I said that an ****ole is an ****ole regardless of Nationality.
At least you are beginning to show some thread of "Integrity" by removing the article. To do something like this just for more hits at your website doesn't make it any more excusable. Not with the members of MURC!!!
I'm beginning to like you Alexander, because at least you have the "Balls" to show yourself here at MURC. Most would hide after doing something like this.
Please Alexander, post an apology at your website for posting the information and show us that you are a Man of "Integrity".
After all, facing the wrath of MURC would be far worse than the cold war was
I think that you in your heart have the "Integrity", the knowlege and the "Balls" it takes to be a MURCer.
Come now Alexander and show us your "Good" side.
Paul"Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"
its a world wide web....I don't think there were any closed press prereleases in Australia/new zeland a lot of other countries.
I don't expect to read the news in Australia first, if anything I expect the first proper annoucement to be in Canada
If iXBT knew of the matrox release, did they approach matrox direct for confirmation or additional information for their own release on the 14?
I am not from iXBT. I have a small reseller shop.
Who cares?
So, I did not take any rights. Matrox just ignored our market. Nobody from media has here the info even under NDA. So - what is the problem ? Ignored market is doing as well BUT will not support unsigned NDA.
So f$cken what? You feel happy when you wash your hands before meal? Brush your teeths? Will you get into a jail or punished in money matter if you didn't that? Sure, not.
But next time don't expect to be kissed by a pretty woman.
Did not catch about brown bear, in fact.
I know. Just let the western world think we are russians are arrongant ones (as Ant noted somewhere).
it was my topic and I am not from iXBT. Frankly speaking - I am not Alexander thus.But I am shure that Alex's Balls are not smaller than mine.
It is up to Alexander to answer BUT AFAIK iXBT contacted matrox many times and proposed to sign NDA - with no success. Who is right than ? Nobody. That's life.
Originally posted by Russian
It is up to Alexander to answer BUT AFAIK iXBT contacted matrox many times and proposed to sign NDA - with no success. Who is right than ? Nobody. That's life.
... And after the robbery you have a nice ground to talk about your superiority blablabla.
This is the right of Matrox to keep information to those they choosen. This signifies that Matrix more fastidious in their own relationship. And that's why I respect Matrox so much.Last edited by fav; 13 May 2002, 04:34.