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The russians cant listen to NDAs either.

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  • It is up to Alexander to answer BUT AFAIK iXBT contacted matrox
    oh, that is not good I think Matrox has should have handled it better than that.

    But it is their product, and their right to do what they want

    I must say tho, Ant probably would have been better off not splashing those links and the story all over the front page

    In a couple of months we will be chuckling over this whole thing anyway...


    • ALBPM

      =) i am dont have enought free time to be permanent murker (MURKA - is well known Russian gansta song =) becouse i am known graphics and other hardware specialists =)

      if seriously - its nice, but only one company related forum - so it not best case if you spending time in search for new knowldge =(

      also usual all new info faces us much earlier than any forums.

      you good men's and i don have any personal opposite MURC =)

      "After all, facing the wrath of MURC would be far worse than the cold war was"

      i think MURC itself may be big, but not so much to be a noticeable problem for us in any way but we dont need a war cold or hot =) we have around 500 000 articles (we dont split articles on pages!) displayed per day at Russian and 100 000 - 200 000 at

      Also, note than my family "Medvedev" translated into english looks like Bear'er =) and you can easily find me on Saint-Petersurg or Moscow streets =)
      Last edited by UncleSam; 13 May 2002, 04:49.
      /Alexander Medvedev,
      Technical Director, (,
      Digit-Life (


      • Originally posted by UncleSam
        Also, my family Medvedev translated toi english looks like Bear'er =) and you can easily find me on Saint-Petersurg or Moscow streets =)
        I think your family name can be much better translated like 'the honey lover'.

        It's much more applicable in the current case.


        • Fav

          The honey _know_er if so not lover
          /Alexander Medvedev,
          Technical Director,
          Digit-Life (


          • three words:

            1) Lack

            2) of

            3) Morals


            • from matrox' marketing side, I hope ?


              • let your conscious be your guide - Giminee Cricket


                • Hey guys.

                  Don't make me unleash my Model M on you peoples!
                  80% of people think I should be in a Mental Institute


                  • Originally posted by Russian
                    from matrox' marketing side, I hope ?
                    No, from the Russian website's side.

                    To play ignorant about what they did is wrong. They knew the information they posted in all its glory was covered by an NDA, but still chose to post it. They can claim it was because they were held out of the loop. Well, I wonder why. You think it might have something to do with all the numerous nda violations their wonderful site has made before?

                    A lesson for them is that if they want to be taken seriously by the hardware companies and get included on what is happening ahead of time, then they need to start using morals.



                    • Vigilant has proof of their incredulity

                      Vigilant said:You think it might have something to do with all the numerous nda violations their wonderful site has made before?

                      Can you point some of these out please I'm fascinated by this whole NDA, honor, and accusation discussion. I would love to see someone here proven wrong. If you do not you do realize they could sue MURC for defamation, you are a writer at this organization. The russians broke no laws that I know of, but what you have just said raises the stakes. This is all highly amusing. play on.


                      • No midnight all editorials are the responsibility of the writer not Murc itself. an editorial or news piece being just that. We each take responsability for our own posts here and on the front page of MURC.

                        Also the frontpage and the forum are two unrelated items. see the forum survival guide for guidelines on moderator behaviour, it also works for News reports

                        Juu nin to iro

                        English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


                        • "A lesson for them is that if they want to be taken seriously by the hardware companies and get included on what is happening ahead of time, then they need to start using morals.


                          I think, teaching is much early for you.
                          We have wide relations with many IHV - did you to?

                          "to do with all the numerous nda violations their wonderful site has made before"

                          bla bla bla...
                          please, show me real one.
                          /Alexander Medvedev,
                          Technical Director,
                          Digit-Life (


                          • I just want to see this die

                            Mudsligning will ruin everyone's parade. I assume than you are an unincorporated group running this site? You should still each be mindfull of what you say when you broach legal issues even if they are international. I know most of you are not as sue-happy as us americans but some people will do it just to save face.


                            • Alexander - ask yourself if you really want your dirty laundry aired here for the world to see where you can't delete it or pull it from view?

                              Is this a card you really want to play?
                              Juu nin to iro

                              English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


                              • Its very interesting: Each time, when we post hot info that extends beyond that have all another FAN sites or obtained earlier, they start to call us NDA violators and so. But when they self post fake specs and tremendous rumors (each real specialist can say that its fake) and full readers... they very moral sites, didnt so?
                                /Alexander Medvedev,
                                Technical Director,
                                Digit-Life (

