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Acrane (netflix)

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  • #16
    We finished the Three Body Problem... my wife was pleasantly surprised how well it followed the book and even improved on it (esp. the group of friends-scientists). A few things she claims were better in the books, but in general she likes the adaptation. I hadn't read the books and also liked the series very much: very well made (some special effects are a bit worse, but the story and acting more than compensate). I caught a few illogical things that my wife claims were better resolved in the book (e.g. taking the one guy on a modern plane after the assassination attempt - that was very prone an attack as was shown later; in the book they used an old military plane without computers), but nothing that really took away from the story.
    Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


    • #17
      So how far is the series compared to the books? Just the first? More than both?
      Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
      [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


      • #18
        (there may be spoilers here)

        She says the first season more or less covers the first two books while taking a few liberties that are actually nicer and make more sense; as well as a few changes that are slightly weaker (and a few of which the impact is unclear: e.g. 3 wallfacers vs. 5 in the book).

        However, the whole storyline involving Will and the launch does not occur in the first two books - my wife says she has some idea of where it is going (extrapolating from the first two books). There some aspects of this storyline in the first two books, so she suspects this to be part of the third book.
        Last edited by VJ; 29 April 2024, 09:05.
        Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


        • #19
          Thanks. I believe there are just three books (not like a five part trilogy I'm afraid) so there'll just be a S2 I guess.

          Meanwhile, we're watching Undone (Amzamon). I was sceptical but I really like it. It is fresh. I can recommend halfway in E5.
          Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
          [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


          • #20
            Baby reindeer. Amazing. Not easy but brilliant.
            Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
            [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


            • #21
              Eric. Great acting, nice story - the main character is not likeable as such, but you feel for him. I can understand the criticisms that claim they are bringing in too many social issues, but to me it did not deter.
              Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


              • #22
                Eric. Great acting, nice story - the main character is not likeable as such, but you feel for him. I can understand the criticisms that claim they are bringing in too many social issues, but to me it did not deter.
                Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


                • #23
                  Will start that one. Now doing Supacell, amazing, really very good.
                  Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
                  [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


                  • #24
                    Also on our list... We were waiting for more reviews to surface.

                    Something completely out there: one-punch man. It is an anime of a guy who trained to be the strongest, and he has reached the point where he defeats any enemy with one punch (and of course is bored by that). It makes a bit of fun of other anime, and is quite weird... But the short episodes are quite entertaining and the later ones really start with a captivating story.
                    Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


                    • #25
                      One of my kids really liked that show
                      Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
                      [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


                      • #26
                        We watched Supacell... And were a bit disappointed... A bit of Heroes and Umbrella Academy... but too much gang-stuff for me... There was a great French movie on Netflix about a drug and superpowers but I don't remember the title (maybe " How I became a superhero", but I'm not sure); it really did the normal people with superpowers very well.
                        Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


                        • #27
                          Heroes I did not watch, UmbAca was graat although each season a bit less (S4 coming soon).

                          Have you watched Undercover?
                          Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
                          [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


                          • #28
                            No, we did not watch Undercover...
                            Yeah, most of those series get too many seasons grow worse... Same with Stranger Things. A shame Lockwood wasn't continued: it was nice, and my wife - who read the books - says there was ample material to continue with a nice series.
                            We are still waiting for the next season of Hellbound: it was really good! What starts out as a simple series (people see a vision and get the date of their death, on that day monsters appear out of nowhere to take them) turns into a very surprising series regarding society and religion.
                            Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


                            • #29
                              Dude, whatch Undercover. All seasons and the movie are good, the first isngreat.
                              Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
                              [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


                              • #30
                                Just started Loudermilk. Shorter episodes ~25 mins which I like.
                                3 episodes in, I think it is hilarious. Seems to be a story with great humour.
                                Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
                                [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen

