Originally posted by Gurm
I fail to grasp this. Please rephrase it or explain.
I fail to grasp this. Please rephrase it or explain.

The reason for Neo fail to deactivate Matrix is that he is locked to the mental state of mind where nothing is possible and human has limits.
Do you remember the first film, the child that in the Oracle house was folding the spoon?
He says to Neo "Do not try to bend the spoon.
That's impossible. Instead, realize the truth -- that there is no spoon --
and that it is yourself that is bending."
So you think that they're looping it? The way the FIRST film runs, you think that the Matrix has been around for only 100 years or so, and that they're re-running the 20th century over and over or some such. But with the "earlier version of the Matrix" comments, the Merovingian and the vampires and ghosts... I'm thinking they started it MUCH earlier. If it's been running for 1000 years, they probably started it at 1000 A.D.

Who said that the Matrix is limited to human speed? If they want, they can restart Matrix and then fast forward the system to whenever they need. Or, they can just re-program the humans brain with the needed memories.
As for the article being 50% bullshit... I think that some of his ideas about Christianity, Dead Sea Scrolls, etc. are off-target. But the first film was ALL about Gnostic philosophy.