ive seen those articles online. the ER doctor i saw in the hospital happened to be from san jose. and he worked at that hospital and saw quite a few bites like mine.
the brown recluse spider isnt that big greebe and we dont have them in our parts
i think they are only 2-3cms long., not inches
they said that it wasnt a black widow cos they leave two marks and with time the blck widow bite heals
they said with the brown recluse bite. or the bite from a recluse spider doesnt heal it gets worse from time.
there are also lots of online articles from universities saying that there are recluses in california.
hard to believe anything online anymore.
all the specialists that saw me said the same thing, that it was a recluse bite
so who knows. all i know is that it ****ing sucked and was painful as all hell
the brown recluse spider isnt that big greebe and we dont have them in our parts

they said that it wasnt a black widow cos they leave two marks and with time the blck widow bite heals
they said with the brown recluse bite. or the bite from a recluse spider doesnt heal it gets worse from time.
there are also lots of online articles from universities saying that there are recluses in california.
hard to believe anything online anymore.
all the specialists that saw me said the same thing, that it was a recluse bite
so who knows. all i know is that it ****ing sucked and was painful as all hell