Originally posted by schmosef
Then we get to the part where God commanded that it be done on the 8th day. It turns out that the 8th day after you're born (after the umbilical cord is cut) is, in normal births, probably the BEST day to have a surgery in your entire life, since the healing will happen without a scar and nearly overnight. My cousin needed a hernia repair when she was born. They did it on the 8th day for PRECISELY this reason. Your levels of human healing factor are never higher than on the 8th day of your life. She now has NO scar. Not "gee that's hard to see" but NO SCAR AT ALL.
We could go on. There are all KINDS of rules concerning hygeine, infection, etc. which came "directly from God". They're contained in the Torah, mostly in Leviticus. Feel free to go look them up. Some seem really silly nowadays (for example a woman was to be essentially quarantined during her period) but at the time were eminently sensible hygenically.
There are societal behavioral rules, as well. Judaism can only be passed down on the mother's side. Why is this? Because when the Israelites were busy conquering the middle east, they had a nasty habit (as do ALL conquering tribes) of taking the women as wives... sometimes quite forcibly. A quick "your kids won't be Jews" nipped that in the bud. Maybe it came from someone wise at the time, or maybe it came straight from the big guy.