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Target Iran?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by KvHagedorn
    Alright.. supposing a current nuclear country were to be taken over by a psychotic warmongering megalomaniac.. let's say France has another Napoleon. What then? Should we conspire to remove their nuclear program somehow? How?
    Just out of curiosity, if that scenario makes you question the need to go to war to protect ourselves, then under what circumstance would you use our militaries to protect ourselves? Thats the whole point here, we are the peaceful ones, we do not want to wage war and to destroy others. However when they say they want to destroy us, we must then act to protect our own existance. Lets not get deluded here, they are the aggressors, and they know it, and thats why they continue to push the boundries - to see how far they can take things before we act - hoping they can get away with far more than we actually will let them.
    is a flower best picked in it's prime or greater withered away by time?
    Talk about a dream, try to make it real.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Gurm
      Liberals believe that ALL countries are peace-loving countries who simply want what is good and right. It's what makes them liberal. It's why they support Palestine, and believe that Islam is a religion of peace.
      Uhmmm...not here for sure.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Dr Mordrid
        Selective use of EMP's and stealth cruise missile strikes. That'll take them back to the 19th century due to the loss of their high tech equipment, communications and power systems. These won't get everything, but it'll get enough.

        Contrary to popular belief EMP weapons do not need to be nuclear. They can be chemically triggered and quite powerful.

        Dr. Mordrid
        Originally posted by Gurm
        Yes, absolutely. If France were suddenly in the grip of a dictator who was poised to use their nukes against us or our allies... EMP time, baby.
        You're serious? You do realise that he would bite back...big time?


        • #64
          Originally posted by Brian Ellis
          If nuclear power isn't a right, who can be so arrogant as to grant the privilege? Perhaps a consortium of USA, UK, France, Russia, Ukraine, Israel, China, Pakistan and India, all of which have HEU enrichment facilities? Let these countries decommission their facilities before they dictate to other countries what they can or cannot do, just to show an example. Maybe Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Belgium, Japan, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Turkey and all other countries with a civil nuclear programme should also stop generating nuclear electricity lest they start building bombs. Sauce for the goose...
          Moral relativism at its finest!

          Sorry Brian, but I don't equate their aspirations as being of equal values to ours.

          Just so we're clear, here's an example of their reasonable leadership: Iran to hang teenage girl attacked by rapists

          All things being equal, you're right, every country should be allowed to pursue nuclear power, and even develop weapons for defensive purposes. But things aren't equal. Not by a long shot.
          P.S. You've been Spanked!


          • #65
            And people wonder why the US, Japan, Israel etc. are working on multi-layered missile defense systems

            Dr. Mordrid
            Dr. Mordrid
            An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

            I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


            • #66
              We are all in a pretty sad fecked up situation, in the long term we all need to start using alternative energy sources, that is a fact. Getting nuclear power up and running takes time, so you have to start preparing now or soon.

              I don't want any of these extremist countries having resources for nuclear weapons, but you can't expect them to blithely keep using oil until it runs out and then start looking for alternatives.(whenits to late)

              In 50 years how many more countries will have nuclear power?, how many will be in the process of converting?.

              I think its a sad inevitabilty, unless real alteratives are actively anyone?

              PS Australia's only reactor is purely research and for medical isotopes, it doesn't produce any power. The next one *might*


              • #67
                Mebbe there should be an international treaty on uranium processing.

                All power reactors would have to use fuel from a central consortium who would process, reprocess and dispose of the waste. Part of the mix would be reactor design rules to maximize safety and minimize the production of fissile materials. Monitoring would be mandatory and the agreements irrevocable on the penalty of immediate suspension of new fuel for 30 years.

                This way no power reactors could be abused and small countries could reap the benefits thereof.

                Where to do production/storage? Hmm.....remote, well defendable locations like the Western US, Australia etc. come to mind.

                The US is already testing directed energy microwave weapons for use around reactors, fuel depots etc. These would be tunable from just knocking someone down (the pain inducer posted about earlier) to outright frying them and/or the electronics of any incoming plane/vehicles etc.

                Watch out on that front. US microwave weaponry and terahertz detection systems are hitting high gear.

                Dr. Mordrid
                Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 12 January 2006, 20:07.
                Dr. Mordrid
                An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                • #68
                  Originally posted by schmosef
                  Just so we're clear, here's an example of their reasonable leadership: Iran to hang teenage girl attacked by rapists
                  uh, just so i can be clear too; that's a dead link. would you happen to have an alt for that story?

                  Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
                  Asus Striker ][
                  8GB Corsair XMS2 DDR2 800 (4x2GB)
                  Asus EN8800GT 512MB x2(SLI)

                  I am C4tX0r, hear me mew!


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by lowlifecat
                    uh, just so i can be clear too; that's a dead link. would you happen to have an alt for that story?

                    Oh it's pretty simple. The girl was gangraped, and now she's being put to death. No, there aren't extenuating circumstances, it's really just as horrible as it sounds.
                    The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                    I'm the least you could do
                    If only life were as easy as you
                    I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                    If only life were as easy as you
                    I would still get screwed


                    • #70
                      hmm... it was working just a few minutes ago.

                      Odd, the one time I don't quote a story it disappears. It looks like the Iran Focus website is down. I'm sure it will be up again soon. Try the link again later.

                      The story is not quite as Gurm predicts...

                      The girl was out with her niece and both of their boyfriends.

                      Some men started throwing stones at them.

                      The boyfriends fled on their motorbikes (how gallant!).

                      The two girls were left stranded.

                      The men pushed them to the ground and tried to rape them.

                      The girl to be hanged had a small pocket knife and used it to cut the arm of the man who was holder her down.

                      She managed to free her niece and they tried to run away.

                      The men continued to chase them.

                      At some point as the girl was fighting off one of the men she managed to stab him in the chest and he died.

                      She swears that she didn't intend to kill him; that she was only trying to defend herself and protect her niece.

                      The judge of the case ordered that she be hanged.
                      P.S. You've been Spanked!


                      • #71
                        Proof that Iran only wants peace

                        Lebanese nab terrorists headed for Gaza
                        The Lebanese army caught a boat on its way to Israel last week that was loaded with weapons, including long-range missiles, Channel 1 revealed Thursday night.

                        According to military sources who confirmed the report, the boat was on its way to Gaza from Lebanon and planned to drop off canisters filled with weapons, explosives and rockets off the coast where they were to be collected by Palestinian fishermen.

                        Government officials speculated that the boat was funded by Iran or Syria and that the weapons were meant to reach either the Hamas or the Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip.

                        In 2002, the Karine A ship was captured in the Red Sea by special IDF forces. The boat's cargo, intended for the Palestinian Authority, included 50 tons of advanced weaponry including Katyusha rockets, rifles, mortar shells, mines and a variety of anti-tank missiles.

                        "There are attempts to smuggle weapons into Israel all the time," one official said. "They will do anything they can to get weapons here which they can use in attacks against Israel."

                        According to Lebanese media reports, the boat - together with four passengers - was caught off the southern port of Tripoli. The boat's point of origin was a dock at Naher Al Bard - a nearby Palestinian refugee camp.

                        Officials conjectured that the Palestinians onboard were members of the terrorist organization that fired Katyushas toward Kiryat Shmona last month.
                        Amen Brothers!
                        P.S. You've been Spanked!


                        • #72
                          My niece (who is married to the Palestinian expate) and I got into a heated debate when she tried to justify the often extreme nature of Muslim law. She made the mistake of citing as an example the ST:TNG episode in which Wesley Crusher is sentenced to death for breaking the window of a greenhouse, and the trouble Pickard got into with the "protectors" of the planet they were visiting. I reminded her that Pickard got his crew out of that particular jam by reminding the protectors "There can be no justice where laws are absolute."

                          Shut her up rather nicely. That taught her a lesson for trying to prove her point by quoting Star Trek to ME!

                          The same can be said about Iran's system of justice and for much of the Sharia law that extremist Islam would impose on all. There can be no justice where laws are absolute. Sharia law is about as absolute as law can get.

                          One wonders what Saint Roddenberry would say about the current international situation. Something scathing about the US invasion of Iraq, no doubt. But at least it would be intelligent.



                          • #73
                            Why is it that I remember him being sentenced to death for "walking on the grass"?

                            Anyway, Sharia is supposed to be the Law as dictated by Allah. So yeah, it's not for us to meddle with His will. We must submit. Co-incidentally, Islam means "submit" (some say that it means "peace" but that's just a euphemism, as in "peace through submission") and Muslim means one who submits.

                            That's how they get around saying that Abraham was a Muslim, because he submitted to God's will. Same with Jesus and a bunch of other people from the Bible. An archaeologist I met in Israel told me that Muslims use the Jewish King David as an example of one who conducted Jihad against infidels at Allah's will. He was a TRUE Muslim.
                            Last edited by schmosef; 12 January 2006, 23:44.
                            P.S. You've been Spanked!


                            • #74
                              Jesus, it could be argued, was one of the originators of the concept of "Separation of Church and State." The Pharisees tried to trick him into stating that a good Jew should not pay taxes to the Roman government. This, of course, would have been one of the most treasonous statements one could have made. Jesus asked, "whose image is on the coin?" The answer was "Caesars." Jesus' response was "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." This allowed Christians to behave as law-abiding citizens under virtually any government system that came after, while maintaining their faith.

                              In the extremist interpretation of Islam, there is no such separation. God's law is the ONLY law. Man-made laws are nul and void. This sets the stage for the kinds of moral outrages we see occurring in nations ruled by extremist Islam (Iran, Talaban Afghanistan, et al).

                              Naturally they don't see these as outrages, but as demonstrations of their devotion to Allah.



                              • #75
                                Originally posted by schmosef
                                That's how they get around saying that Abraham was a Muslim, because he submitted to God's will. Same with Jesus and a bunch of other people from the Bible. An archaeologist I met in Israel told me that Muslims use the Jewish King David as an example of one who conducted Jihad against infidels at Allah's will. He was a TRUE Muslim.
                                They say Abraham blindly sumitted to Gods will 'eh?

                                That must come as quite a suprise to God given all the bargaining he had to do with Abraham over how many righteous people he'd have to find before he could smoke Sodom and Gomorrah

                                Here's this old, tent-dwelling, altar-building, promise-believing man from Ur standing toe-to-toe with his God, and God allowed it. Not only did he allow it, he was willing to modify His plans at Abraham’s request.

                                Blind submisison my arse

                                Dr. Mordrid
                                Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 13 January 2006, 00:27.
                                Dr. Mordrid
                                An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                                I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

