Originally posted by Brian Ellis
Personal attacks are in general reserved only for yours truely, and then used only when someone does something to really irritate most of us.
KvH's little comment from above didn't so much strike me as the pot calling the kettle black, as the pot looking in the mirror, calling itself a kettle, and then calling it black.
I remember a thread not so long ago, where kvh was ready to go out and lynch a male teacher in Florida for doing something wrong to a student. without any evidence more then a single news report. as it turned out, the teacher was on the other side of the school and the student made it up to get back at him for putting her on detention.
So, KvH himself has proved not only his own inability to judge rationally, but I would also like to point out his own short attention span problems - remember the cruise movie thread from a few days ago?
so for those of you with a really short attention span, lets recap.
pot, pot, black.
edit fixed some speeeling mistakes - thanks llc