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Jennifer Love Hewitt: give up the fries !!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by jms View Post
    pffft, she is still smokin hot.



    • #17
      You gotta remember too that they like to publish the absolute WORST POSSIBLE picture to accentuate her weight gain.
      Q9450 + TRUE, G.Skill 2x2GB DDR2, GTX 560, ASUS X48, 1TB WD Black, Windows 7 64-bit, LG M2762D-PM 27" + 17" LG 1752TX, Corsair HX620, Antec P182, Logitech G5 (Blue)
      Laptop: MSI Wind - Black


      • #18
        Not only that, the floor on which she stood while being shot was crooked.
        also mirrors make her fat.

        What are you a chick?
        Last edited by FatBastard; 2 December 2007, 16:26.
        Originally posted by Gurm
        .. some very fair skinned women just have a nasty brown crack no matter what...


        • #19
          Originally posted by Kruzin View Post
          That may not be the most flattering picture, but she is FAR from being 'fat'.


          • #20
            Originally posted by FatBastard View Post
            What are you a chick?
            Obviously not; I am a genetically enhanced lab mouse bent on taking over the world's beef supply.
            Q9450 + TRUE, G.Skill 2x2GB DDR2, GTX 560, ASUS X48, 1TB WD Black, Windows 7 64-bit, LG M2762D-PM 27" + 17" LG 1752TX, Corsair HX620, Antec P182, Logitech G5 (Blue)
            Laptop: MSI Wind - Black


            • #21

              How can she let that happen? When your career revolves around looking good, how can you let yourself go from gorgeous to "bleh"?!


              • #22
                Originally posted by FatBastard View Post
                Ok I know this is really stupid but ... it's still MURCable.

                I couldn't be bothered with it at first, but then I noticed that my wife can't disguise her wicked grin, while browsing that story. women ....
                anyhoooooooow here's the link....


                she's not fat, she's wearing a model swimwear that's hopelessly bad for her body curves. I bet that if she'd worn something better, lot's of the people who said 'fat' in this thread would not even think of it. Or maybe they're fans of anorexic women (most people in the fashion industry are?)


                • #23
                  I just find it funny that only a very short while ago people were comparing her to a skeleton, she had gotten so skinny. She looks far healthier now that she did, and her rack I'm sure has only bigger.

                  I don't consider her fat. She may not have a Jessica Biel ass anymore, but she's still far from fat.
                  #1 DRILL SERGEANT PICK-UP LINE

                  "You make me hornier before 9 AM than most
                  people do all day!"


                  • #24
                    Now, don't make a mistake, I'm absolutelly repelled from typical model. As |Mehen| said, perhaps it's the choice of particullar pictures...I don't care, why should I if I even don't know who we're discussing/I know only those pictures of her.

                    Hmm...perhaps I shouldn't have used "fat" (damn you FatBastard for implying that ), but...just look at what you're doing (another picture, attached to this post).

                    For me, that makes her sexually unatractive. Now, I'm not sure the exact reasons...
                    cultural conditioning of beauty def.?
                    Evolutionary determined reaction for "something not right/not healthy with her organism"/"pregnant alert"?
                    Not sharing the mindset that having "most common" (NetSnake) problem makes it ok or that "woman kind of fat != fat"? (BTW, for some reason, from my first hand experiences , it doesn't look that much common...might be because of mid-20s age group...but OTOH for most of human history we didn't live much longer, so it's sensible to say that we're wired with looks around that age as "standard")
                    I don't find woman with thighs thicker thay I have (and I'm not exactly on the "thin" side...) attractive?

                    And don't make second mistake
                    I've been highly attracted to woman who, especially in one case, could be described easily as a bit on the thick side...but with harmonous profile. And, mhmm, rather "smooth" one.
                    I don't exactly see someone like that on relevant pictures in this topic.

                    PS. Now, I'm temptet to go into a list of possible reasons for "why you're "defending" her", with "she was such a hottie for so long that you're not willing to face the truth" probably on top (and yeah, I guess she doesn't know how to dress)...but bleh, I'll be burned on the stake already
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Nowhere; 4 December 2007, 16:24.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by dZeus View Post
                      she's not fat, she's wearing a model swimwear that's hopelessly bad for her body curves. I bet that if she'd worn something better, lot's of the people who said 'fat' in this thread would not even think of it. Or maybe they're fans of anorexic women (most people in the fashion industry are?)
                      Are you high? She's fat. Not obese, but when your body is wavy rather than curvy, that's because of fat rolls.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Strahd View Post
                        I just find it funny that only a very short while ago people were comparing her to a skeleton, she had gotten so skinny. She looks far healthier now that she did, and her rack I'm sure has only bigger.
                        Quality > QuanTITy.


                        • #27
                          Oh, and fat != clinically obese.


                          • #28
                            Know what? She's 5' 2.5" (if that) and wears a size 2 or 3. The matchsticks we all too often ogle over on the net are usually size 0.

                            I can't think of too many women her size and body morphology who could wear a bikini in that lighting without their ass looking bad; strong shadows etc. etc.

                            Look at her: she still has a waist that curves in and such. Certainly better than Britney who has lost her waist totally, and 99% of real world women could not look as good under similar conditions. That doesn't even take into account that she's not 18 anymore, she's 28, and as we all know NORMAL women do not maintain their 18 y/o dimensions as they age that extra 10 years.

                            Not to mention the effect all the hub-bub will have on young women struggling with their body images.

                            Also; at least 99% of the women who come to us for glamor shots for their hubby, boyfriend or girlfriend (you'd be surprised ) do not look near as good as JLH in those pictures. Can we make 'em look sexy as hell? You damn skippy!!

                            Factors involved: preparation (makeup, shaving legs etc.), outfit if any, pose, lighting and the focal length of the lens.
                            Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 4 December 2007, 16:46.
                            Dr. Mordrid
                            An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                            I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Dr Mordrid View Post
                              ...and 99% of real world women could not look as good under similar conditions.
                              You mean...on the beach? 99 out of 100 look worse?

                              Hmm...I disagree


                              • #30
                                The problem is your sample is flawed; a large portion of that 99% engage in self-censorship; they don't go to the beach.
                                Dr. Mordrid
                                An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                                I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

