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Star Trek Into Darkness [we knew that!!]

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  • Star Trek Into Darkness [we knew that!!]

    Latest -

    - J. J. Abrams back as director (signed this week)
    - production & writing team is back
    - in preproduction (set building, etc.)
    - script polish done by Oct 1, 2011
    - shoot starts January, 2012
    - the cast is back

    hopefully Zoe Saldana's wardrobe will still be minimalist uni's & her undies
    Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 16 September 2011, 01:25.
    Dr. Mordrid
    An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

  • #2
    And release date?? I'm looking forward to it..


    • #3



      Benicio wanted for 'Star Trek' villain

      J.J. Abrams wants actor for Paramount sequel

      Though most roles are cast in Paramount and Skydance's "Star Trek" sequel, the mysterious villain part was still available -- and now J.J. Abrams has made his choice.

      Sources close to the project tell Variety that Benicio Del Toro is expected to be offered the part, possibly before the weekend is out. Insiders say Del Toro has met with Abrams but, in an effort to keep the role a secret, still doesn't know exactly what it is.

      Par and Skydance had no comment on the casting process.

      Abrams is back to direct with Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci and Damon Lindelof penning the script. Abrams, Kurtzman, Orci, Lindelof, Bryan Burk, and David Ellison will produce tLhrough Bad Robot and Skydance Productions.

      Production is expected to start in early 2012.
      Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 4 November 2011, 19:25.
      Dr. Mordrid
      An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

      I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


      • #4
        It will be very hard to top Ricardo Montalban... just sayin'

        Benicio.... barely knows how to shave. Javier Bardem.... now there is potential.

        His was one of the best roles in the original Star Trek Series, and Star Trek II was the best out of all of 'em; Kirk gets his comeuppance and loses his greatest friend. Oh would have been a poignant end if they stopped there. But alas, it was the 80's...
        Last edited by MultimediaMan; 4 November 2011, 19:33.
        Hey, Donny! We got us a German who wants to die for his country... Oblige him. - Lt. Aldo Raine


        • #5
          Javier Bardem is an old-school movie star - you can build an entire film around his huge Latin presence. That shopkeeper coin-flip scene of his in No Country For Old Men was pure gold.
          Dr. Mordrid
          An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

          I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


          • #6
            I wonder if they would do Khan again. I could see if more if his appearance in the original movies had been his first, but he was also in the TV show. I find it hard to believe they would just do a remake of the TV episode (however different they may make it) and it's way too early to do a remake of the movie.

            As much as I love both of Khan's appearances, I would much rather the next movie go in a more original direction or pick another fan favorite that isn't as well known to go off of.
            “And, remember: there's no 'I' in 'irony'” ~ Merlin Mann


            • #7

              Exclusive: Star Trek Sequel Filming Starts January 15th + Locations & Pre-production Update

              Things continue to progress for the Star Trek sequel, recently reported to be in consideration for a 2013 release. TrekMovie has an exclusive update on the status for pre-production on the project including locations, the script and casting. We also have news on the exact date for the start of filming. See below for more details.

              Sequel shooting January 15th + ILM already working + Hawaii a possibility

              TrekMovie has learned from trusted sources that the official start date for production on the Star Trek sequel is January 15th, 2012. This is over four years and two months after the start of production for the 2009 Star Trek movie (which began shooting on November 7th, 2007).

              Pre-production for the Star Trek sequel has been underway for a few months. It began using the famous "extensive outline" but sources tell TrekMovie a draft script has been completed and submitted to the studio. In fact, just yesterday co-writer/ producer Roberto Orci made a comment here at noting: that the script has "been done for a while" and they are currently working on the 3rd draft. In another comment posted today at TrekMovie, Orci himself noted "rewriting is a good thing which normally makes the script better. We like to keep pushing the script, even if no one gives us notes."

              Sources tell TrekMovie that the writing team of Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof are currently working on a draft to ensure the film fits into the budget the Paramount has set. The studio is said to be "very enthusiastic" about the project and very supportive of producer/director Abrams and his core team.

              Much of the design work for the film has been completed, with the team again headed by Scott Chambliss as production designer. And construction has already started for some of the new sets. Many sets and location set dressing elements from the 2009 film (such as the USS Enterprise) have been in storage and will be re-used for the sequel. In addition, ILM has already started work on some of the effects shots for the movie. While effects work is often considered part of post-production, there are many space effects shots which can be made without the need of any filmed elements.

              In addition, the team lead by director JJ Abrams is currently picking locations. TrekMovie has learned that Abrams himself traveled to Hawaii to scout a location which is being seriously considered for a "jungle planet." Shooting will also include a museum in Los Angeles standing in for what a source said was a "famous Star Trek location." As per usual with a Star Trek film, studio shooting will take place on a number of stages on the Paramount lot.

              Of course all the main cast from the original Star Trek movie are returning and the casting process for new characters is currently being discussed, however sources indicate none of the new roles have been cast so far.

              TrekMovie does not have any details to report on the plot of the film yet, but it is described as "bigger" in scope than the 2009 Star Trek film.

              Stay tuned to TrekMovie for all the news on the Star Trek sequel.
              Dr. Mordrid
              An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

              I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


              • #8
                TheWrap is reporting that Alice Eve has been cast as a new character.

                She'll also be in The Raven and MIB-III

                Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 5 December 2011, 05:43.
                Dr. Mordrid
                An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                • #9
                  MTV brings viewers the best in lifestyle and competition reality shows, plus live events featuring the biggest names in entertainment.

                  J.J. Abrams Teases 'Amazing' 'Star Trek' Sequel

                  But director wouldn't give up too many details about the film due May 2013.

                  When it comes to getting the gory details about the "Star Trek" sequel, J.J. Abrams is a master of a few words and not revealing anything too juicy. Nevertheless, when MTV News encountered the writer/director/producer at the premiere of "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol" recently, we came armed with questions, the first of which was when we'll find out whether Khan will be in the picture.

                  "It's a little early to be talking about 'Star Trek,' but I will say that they wrote — the three writers, Damon [Lindelof], Bob [Orci] and Alex [Kurtzman] — they wrote the most amazing script, and I'm thrilled to get a chance to direct it," he said. "It's totally mine to screw up, so if you don't like it, it's completely on me. Our sets are almost done, so we're going to go back and start shooting next month."

                  Abrams, being the perfectionist that he is, went on to say that he hopes to improve upon a few things in the first film, but didn't mention what those fixes or improvements may be.

                  "I'm sure, like many people, you see what you do and you go, 'I really could have done that one better, I should have done that, that was a mistake, more of this, less of that.' You always do that," he said. "I'm hoping that as we do the next one, all the mistakes that I've made that I've hopefully learned from, I can bring to this one and hope make it better."

                  A master of no information, Abrams is. We did manage to get him to talk about whether "Trek 2" will be shot in 3-D and/or IMAX, however.

                  "We're shooting on film, 2-D, and then we'll do a good high-end conversion like the 'Harry Potter' movie and all that. Luckily, with our release date now we have the months needed to do it right because if you rush it, it never looks good.

                  "We were talking about [shooting in IMAX] and I would love to do it. IMAX is my favorite format; I'm a huge fan," he added.

                  And finally, because we decided to go for the goods while we had him, we asked Abrams for an update on the long-discussed "Cloverfield" sequel. "I wish I could give you an update," he said. "We would love to do it if there was an idea that is worth your time. We're playing with some ideas, but we haven't found the one that you go, 'That's the reason to do it.' "
                  Dr. Mordrid
                  An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                  I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                  • #10
                    Production has started

                    LOS ANGELES, Jan. 14, 2012 – Paramount Pictures announced that principal photography has commenced in Los Angeles, CA on the sequel to STAR TREK from director J.J. Abrams. The film will be released on May 17, 2013 in 3D. The 2009 re-launch of the “Star Trek” franchise by Abrams was met with critical acclaim and a worldwide gross of over $385 million at the box office.

                    Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions present a Bad Robot Production of a J.J. Abrams Film. Returning to their posts on the Enterprise are John Cho, Bruce Greenwood, Simon Pegg, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, and Anton Yelchin. They are joined by new cast members Benedict Cumberbatch, Alice Eve and Peter Weller.
                    NOTE: also appearing will be Noel Clarke (Doctor Who) and Nazneen Contractor (24). Cumberbatch is rumored to be playing ---- Khan Noonien Singh


                    Based upon “Star Trek” created by Gene Roddenberry, the film is produced by J.J. Abrams, Bryan Burk, Damon Lindelof, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci. The script was written by Alex Kurtzman & Robert Orci & Damon Lindelof.

                    Jeffrey Chernov, David Ellison, Dana Goldberg and Paul Schwake are the executive producers. The director of photography is Dan Mindel, ASC, BSC. The production designer is Scott Chambliss. The film is edited by Maryann Brandon, A.C.E. and Mary Jo Markey, A.C.E. The costume designer is Michael Kaplan. The music is by Michael Giacchino.
                    Dr. Mordrid
                    An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                    • #11
                      "We're shooting on film, 2-D, and then we'll do a good high-end conversion like the 'Harry Potter' movie and all that. Luckily, with our release date now we have the months needed to do it right because if you rush it, it never looks good."

                      Don't these guys ever learn?? If you want 3D shoot it in 3D. Don't do a 2D to 3D conversion. It never looks rite..

                      "Abrams, being the perfectionist that he is, went on to say that he hopes to improve upon a few things in the first film, but didn't mention what those fixes or improvements may be."

                      Hardly a perfectionist then..


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by paulw View Post
                        "Abrams, being the perfectionist that he is, went on to say that he hopes to improve upon a few things in the first film, but didn't mention what those fixes or improvements may be."
                        May I suggest a better plot?


                        • #13
                          Today Paramount hinted that the Star Trek game previewed at E3 and to be released Q1 2013 will "pave the way" to the coming Star Trek 2 feature film.

                          If that 's the case then we may have a clue as to an alien race that's pivotal to the plot. In a sequence about halfway through the games trailer this ship flies through the frame -

                          Which is a near dead-ringer for one of these -

                          The Cardassians, which could also bring in The Dominion. Another frame seems to show Deep Space 9, which was originally built by the Cardassians and designated as Terok Nor.

                          Anyhow, here's the E3 game trailer. See if you can find any others.

                          Dr. Mordrid
                          An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                          I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                          • #14
                            Come on lets have some good old Borg..

                            For those who are trekkies from way back Paramount has release the Blu-ray 3 episode promo disk of Star trek: The Next Generation. . Mine arrived this week. Gee what a negative cleanup and new special effects along with a DTS sound track can do. Got mine from Amazon..


                            • #15
                              Borg had their shot in First Contact, and one problem is that save for the Queen there isn't a personality to interact with. OTOH Cardassians and the Dominion/Changelings are interactive.
                              Dr. Mordrid
                              An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                              I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

