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Star Trek Into Darkness [we knew that!!]

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  • #31
    Kind of does sound like Khan.
    Not sure who else from the original stories would want vengeance like that.

    OTOH, could be a completely new character what with the re-boot.


    • #32
      There were two cool shots of the ship emerging from water, and another with it crashing into water.
      I think those would be awesome to see. Would like to know how the ship holds up when crashing into water, or would it rip apart into billions of pieces.


      • #33
        Trek universe ships have a "structural integrity field" that reinforces their structure.

        IIRC, and if my unit conversion is correct, it can withstand ~1.8 million psi.
        Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 6 December 2012, 11:53.
        Dr. Mordrid
        An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

        I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


        • #34
          There is a lot of speculation about the trailer. There is a second Japanese trailer with an extra 15 seconds in it too.

          The trailer seems designed to keep people guessing as to whether the villian is Khan or Mitchell. Aspects from both of those storylines are present in the trailers.
          “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
          –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


          • #35

            Dr. Mordrid
            An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

            I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


            • #36
              Links don't seem to work. But that blond looks like she could be Dr. Elizabeth Dehner from the second pilot. The fellow in restraints could be Garth of Izar, since the film would almost have to end with Garth in 'cuffs because Kirk encounters him again years later in the loony bin.

              And Garth is said to have wrought quite a trail of destruction before he was captured.


              • #37
                In case the links break for others, I got them here -


                Following the reveal earlier this month that Benedict Cumberbatch's Star Trek Into Darkness villain goes by the mysterious name of "John Harrison," GyaO! (via TrekMovie) caught up with director J.J. Abrams and Cumberbatch himself.

                "When J.J. described the role to me… he described someone who was, in movie terms, a mixture of Hannibal Lecter, Jack in 'The Shining,' and the Joker in 'Batman,'" Cumberbatch said. "...He's someone who has enormous physical strength. He's someone who is incredibly dangerous, both as a physical entity and through the use of various technologies and weapons and who performs acts of what I would describe as terrorism. He's also a psychological master. He manipulates the minds of those around him to do his bidding in a very, very subtle way."

                "His name is John Harrison and he is sort of an... average guy who works in an organization called Starfleet," Abrams added, "and he turns against the group because he has got this backstory and this kind of amazing secret agenda. After two very violent attacks, one in London and one in the US, our characters have to go after this guy and apprehend him. And it is a far more complicated and difficult thing then they ever anticipated. 'Into Darkness' is very much about how intense it gets and really what they are up against."
                I guess the scene I want to see most (so far) is a submerged starship raising itself out of the water. That would almost be worth seeing it in 3D all by itself.
                Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 25 December 2012, 01:03.
                Dr. Mordrid
                An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                • #38

                  Dr. Mordrid
                  An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                  I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Dr Mordrid View Post
                    In case the links break for others, I got them here -


                    I guess the scene I want to see most (so far) is a submerged starship raising itself out of the water. That would almost be worth seeing it in 3D all by itself.
                    Like the scene from the first Star Trek movie with the Enterprise rising out of Saturns rings


                    • #40
                      Why TOS Klingons didn't have ridges: the Klingon Augment Virus

                      The Klingon augment virus was a hybridized form of Levodian flu that threatened to wipe out the Klingon race in the mid-22nd century. It was inadvertently created by Klingon researchers who were attempting to bio-engineer enhanced warriors using DNA from genetically-modified Human embryos left over from Earth's Eugenics Wars. In 2154, Klingon scientists working under the direction of Antaak recovered several Augment embryos from a hijacked Bird-of-Prey destroyed in orbit of Qu'Vat Colony during
                      Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 18 January 2013, 15:17.
                      Dr. Mordrid
                      An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                      I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                      • #41
                        The Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness comic just came out. There are a few interesting items in issue #1, one of which is that -

                        SPOILER ALERT (since we don't have a [spoiler]....[/spoiler] flag....

                        ....they discover a Starfleet officer giving the natives of a stone-age world modern equipment & weaponry, a clear violation of the Prime Directive.


                        The first Captain of the Enterprise NCC-1701, Capt. Robert April (Capt. Christopher Pike's immediate predecessor) and no, he doesn't look like Cumberbatch.
                        Dr. Mordrid
                        An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                        I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                        • #42
                          So the two-minute teaser trailer heralding J.J. Abrams' second Star Trek movie, Into Darkness, wasn't enough for you? Is the wait for the movie (which comes out in May) driving you insane?

                          We feel you. And so does Star Trek fan Dustin McLean, who just released a stunning, no-budget, shot-for-shot remake of the trailer. It was shot entirely on an iPhone, in what appears to be McLean's apartment and a hair salon, without any of that pesky CGI getting in the way of its pure awesomeness. Check it out:


                          • #43
                            WHOA!! SH*T!!

                            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
                            Dr. Mordrid
                            An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                            I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                            • #44
                              Another trailer

                              Dr. Mordrid
                              An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                              I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                              • #45
                                New full trailer -

                                Alice Eve as Carol Marcus

                                Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 21 March 2013, 14:18.
                                Dr. Mordrid
                                An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                                I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

