(If this belongs into MURC Gaming, please move it there. I figured it's not really got anything to do with Matrox, though... maybe it's really time we updated the forum names)
So what were/are your favourite old games? Links and/or pics would be very nice
I'm gonna say: Commander Keen 4. Keen 1 was good also, didn't like Keendreams and Keen 6 as much.

Also: Master of Orion! Round-based space strategy. Combat, Diplomacy, Research and Ship Design - this game had depth! That game was just fantastic, I loved the music and sound. I still play Master of Orion II sometimes. MoO III was one of the biggest letdowns in the gaming industry (about on par with Fallout III being cancelled).

And how could one forget about the GREAT X-Com: Ufo Defense (UFO: Enemy Unknown in europe) and X-Com: Terror From The Deep! The first X-Com saved Microprose from bankruptcy single-handedly. Still the benchmark for turn-based squad combat games with aliens. Athmosphere, sounds, music, graphics all top notch! The third installment in the series did some things better and the most important things a lot worse (atmosphere...), after that came some kind of space shooter and a very very shallow, cheaply made shoot-em-up with the license slapped on that had NOTHING at all to do with the franchise. There was to be a first-person-shooter a la space hulk that looked promising, unfortunately it seems to have been cancelled. Lately, the theme seems to become popular again, with releases such as Ufo: Aftermath (from a completely different company, but it is a sequel in spirit). If anyone can tell me how to get these games run flawlessly (including sound and music) on winXP, I'd be very grateful. Please also post about any games like these (like Ufo: Aftermath, for instance), that are either in development or have been released.

Download tip: Beneath a steel sky. An adventure from 1994, freeware and runs with sound and good graphics in the scummVM emulator (finished the game in winXP, but I think other OSes are also supported). It's easier than most adventures, so I could actually solve it.
So what were/are your favourite old games? Links and/or pics would be very nice

I'm gonna say: Commander Keen 4. Keen 1 was good also, didn't like Keendreams and Keen 6 as much.

Also: Master of Orion! Round-based space strategy. Combat, Diplomacy, Research and Ship Design - this game had depth! That game was just fantastic, I loved the music and sound. I still play Master of Orion II sometimes. MoO III was one of the biggest letdowns in the gaming industry (about on par with Fallout III being cancelled).

And how could one forget about the GREAT X-Com: Ufo Defense (UFO: Enemy Unknown in europe) and X-Com: Terror From The Deep! The first X-Com saved Microprose from bankruptcy single-handedly. Still the benchmark for turn-based squad combat games with aliens. Athmosphere, sounds, music, graphics all top notch! The third installment in the series did some things better and the most important things a lot worse (atmosphere...), after that came some kind of space shooter and a very very shallow, cheaply made shoot-em-up with the license slapped on that had NOTHING at all to do with the franchise. There was to be a first-person-shooter a la space hulk that looked promising, unfortunately it seems to have been cancelled. Lately, the theme seems to become popular again, with releases such as Ufo: Aftermath (from a completely different company, but it is a sequel in spirit). If anyone can tell me how to get these games run flawlessly (including sound and music) on winXP, I'd be very grateful. Please also post about any games like these (like Ufo: Aftermath, for instance), that are either in development or have been released.

Download tip: Beneath a steel sky. An adventure from 1994, freeware and runs with sound and good graphics in the scummVM emulator (finished the game in winXP, but I think other OSes are also supported). It's easier than most adventures, so I could actually solve it.