I finally got around to putting on my Cooljag Low profile CPU Cooler and some RAM sinks on it. Installation consisted of using some super glue to add on the heat sinks and two drops on the P's heat spreader to make sure its held in place. I also added a small wire from a DEC Thinnet cable that I cut up (could use Telephone wire also..about the same diamter) as added protection so the heatsink doesnt go flying off due to its weight one day. I used Artic Silver 2 as my themal Interface on the HS and RAM sinks. I figured the use of Super glue will keep everything in place fairly well, but not permenantly like a Thermial Expoy would, so I could still RMA the card if it goes Tits up
. I would like to thank Greebe for the wire idea for keeping the HS in place without using my Thermal Expoy on it and being screwed if the card died on me.
Now For the Pics:
Now For the Pics: