just my two cents....
releasing a new card without Windows ME or below drivers was/is a big mistake - why limit your market??....i for one, am happy enough, with Windows ME and reformating my hard drive every six months and starting over is not a painful procedure.....spending another $100 for an operating system -until at least the first service pack comes out like now - stopped me from being first in line....
announcing there will be a better card (256k) also delays purchase of the new card - i have a 400 Max with RR - why should i run out and spend $$$ for a new card if a newer card is soon to follow -
i have been and am a loyal Matrox user since the Mystique....for me, they are easy to install, use, and up-date and give a fine product- this, together, with web pages like this one - give me a high level of confidence when i build my computers (for fun)....
i hope that Matrox will see that they have a following and that they come-clean with their future products....
i still plan to upgrade to XP and buy a 256 k card ----but don't need to run out and spend $300-$400 for a video card every year - well, maybe every two to three years....