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ant says no G800 announcement soon

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  • ant says no G800 announcement soon

    He posted twice suggesting that we'll have to wait a while longer for an announcement.
    You want to see them search for user "ant" in last 5 days.

  • #2
    I've read. I think I'll go cry in a corner... means the new Amiga hardware's probably at least 6 months away... :-/
    The pessimist says: "The glass is half empty."
    The optimist says: "The glass is half full."
    The engineer says: "I put half of my water in a redundant glass."


    • #3
      how do you define soon???too many rumours about this for my liking.


      • #4
        Looks like that I have to go with Radeon. G400 is just getting way too slow for me...

        G400 was a great card, but in these days, no card could last 1.5, or 2 years, no matter how good it is. Matrox really should release something cool in couple of months, or I just don't have any other option than to leave Matrox cards, and all those nice little features (like VBE 3.0 support with 8k TSR that goes to UMB, and other things like that) ..

        Looks like that Matrox really wants to get rid of gamers, and to move back to office. That's a shame, after G400's success.

        1 year product cycle is acceptable, so Matrox should either adjust to that, or to move back to 2D-only cards, where you only need to change a bit faster RAMDAC some times, but nothing more.

        I'll still wait for a while for G800...


        • #5
          i don't think the G450 is a new product because the G250 was an improvement over the G200 and we still got the G400 within a year of the G200, so i think the G800 (or whatever) will be here soon (within 4-6 weeks)
          no harm, no foul.


          • #6
            Well speaking of the one year product cycle, I don't think I've seen anyone mention that the G450 was released, therefore you would think the G800 would come out a year after the G450, or wouldn't you cal the G450 a new product?
            P3 500 @ 600
            256MB PC133 RAM
            64MB PC100 RAM
            Primary: Gateway EV700 17"
            Secondary: AcerView 54eL 15"
            WinXP Professional Build 2600 (with Plus!, it's prettified!)
            G400 MAX (@ 171, 228)
            Monster Sound MX400
            512/128 DSL from SMC EZ Card
            Samsung 8X DVD-ROM
            ASUS P3B-F
            Logitech X1 Speakers
            Logitech Cordless Mouse SE
            Logitech Internet Keyboard
            19.1G IBM 60GXP
            8.4G Seagate
            1.57G Fujitsu


            • #7
              Everybody should know by now that Matrox tends to be very cautious when it comes to product announcements. Sometimes not even doing it until the product is ready to walk out the door.

              Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.



              System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
              OS: Windows XP Pro.
              Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


              • #8
                drzaius, the G450 is a new product simply because alot of changes had to be made on every front. Sure the core is still a G400 but with a die shrink, integration of a higher speed secondary DAC and a redesign of the memory controller (etc.) doesn't mean it's new? Geesh

                Matrox is a privately owned company and like 99% of them, none are pressured into HYPING products well before the release like those that are publically traded.

                Tronic, if any graphics card manufacture did only 2D then they would immediately go bankrupt. What a dumb comment.

                In NVidia's quest for the ultimate graphics cards they apparently decided that their own EE's weren't enough. So instead they decided to thieve as much technology from other companies. This wasn't simply breaking the law in their quest for infomation and so they then set their sights on stealing engineers from their competition. With the promise of stock shares which could make them millionaires these EE's jumped ship. Privately owned companies cannot compete, in this type of enviroment and thus is why there are laws to protect them.

                If this happens to ANY company, rebuilding the infrastructure is very difficult and time consumming.

                So BE PATIENT!
                "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


                • #9
                  And you see a problem in this.

                  So what if one company offers offers higher salaries and stock options to EE's,no employee(in any field)owes allegiance to any company.

                  If you,me or anyone else is offered employment in a growing company(in whatever field)with higher pay,woudn't you take it,i hell sure would.

                  There isn't a single company out there that can say they invented any particular tech,all that was done was integrating it into a video card chip,this goes for multitexturing,t.l,bumpmapping,you name it.

                  If we follow your reasoning,then the company with the biggest bone to pick(with regards to intelectual property would be SGI.

                  Heck practicaly every engineer that now works at matrox,ati,nvidia,etc..,started by working first there.

                  note to self...

                  Assumption is the mother of all f***ups....

                  Primary system :
                  P4 2.8 ghz,1 gig DDR pc 2700(kingston),Radeon 9700(stock clock),audigy platinum and scsi all the way...


                  • #10
                    You obviously know nothing about corporate ethics standards and laws. You CANNOT directly recruit employees from competing companies. Period. Not only is it illegal, it is unethical.



                    • #11
                      "all that was done was integrating it into a video card chip,this goes for multitexturing,t.l,bumpmapping,you name it."

                      Sure if you are talking about software engineers. They write drivers to take advantage of the chipset they are given. They don't know anything about designing a chip.

                      The threat are the asic designers who know all about the setup and warp engines which is what nvidia has been always after.



                      • #12
                        If Matrox can really deliver a NVIDIA killer product, then they should hype it, nothing wrong with advertising, it's not immoral, it might actually sell some cards.


                        • #13
                          It might be illegal or unethical, but it happens all over the world every day, Rags. It's something like "welcome to the real world"

                          If it happens at video-card mfs, I can't say, but I have seen it happen in large corporates in Holland and even abroad.

                          When you can earn more money by doing the same work you already do, and more, no matter how unethical it is, or illegal in a way, wouldn't you go for it then? I sure would !!

                          Heck, I even can, when I am posted at one company, but another wants me more.



                          • #14
                            SGI hasvideo cards and systems that alredy had hardware t.l,bumpmapping,multitexuring,accumulation buffers,lighting engines powerful enough to do raytracing,and the list goes on ando on.

                            The same goes for other companies like intergraph and 3D labs,who've been making graphics cards and systems for 3d work using opengl for at least 15 years,using opengl.

                            but since these cards can cost up to 5000$+,they're stricly for professional use.

                            The only thing that consumer video card companies managed to do is integrating the tech that previously needed several chips and memory buses into a single chip desing

                            And even then,that only happends because it's possible to make processors smaller each time so that they can add more features while keeping the chip size reasonable.

                            Every new feature that goes into high end consumer video cards every year has been available for a long time now in those professional cards.

                            currently even the most powerful card available today,for consumer cards,is at least 2 years behind the most powerful graphics card available from those companies,and that won't change any time soon.

                            note to self...

                            Assumption is the mother of all f***ups....

                            Primary system :
                            P4 2.8 ghz,1 gig DDR pc 2700(kingston),Radeon 9700(stock clock),audigy platinum and scsi all the way...


                            • #15
                              Yes, dear hearts and gentle people, we'll all have to wait for a bit.

                              G800 announcement will not happen soon. Hardware won't be here until well after Xmas. Too bad.

                              Just pray that your guys can stay privately held, and can stand in the winds of a high flying chip mfg. who will take no prisoners.

                              Don't any of you see the similiarity here between what happened with the Operating system dynamics some 6-7 years back?

                              Better yet, look at the choices you have in the soundcard marketplace right now. Is this a good thing??

                              Hold tight, be patient, and support ANY competitor who will hold the line against the monopolistic trend(s) that are sweeping this business.

                              You STILL have a choice...and a clear one. Quality over speed, with performance that makes sense based on the price.

                              If you've gotta have the latest RIGHT NOW, then head on over, and Godspeed. Meself, I'll wait. This hardware does the job, and that's enough.

                              Chase technology until you go broke. I'll be here enjoying quality, and support.
                              Greebe's juiced up Athlon @750 on an MSI Irongate Based M/B Marvel G200 TV with HW/DVD Daughtercard,
                              CDBurner, Creative DVD, two big WD Hdds, Outboard 56K modem
                              Parallel Port Scanner, Creative S/B AWE 64 (ISA), and a new Logitech WebCam (My first USB device)

