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Sometimes it is ok to spank your kids

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  • LOL God this guy amuses me. Notice he still clings to the believe that violence will stop if spanking stops. A clear removal from reality. He even believes that he's made his point. LOL.
    Keep going Dancray I can hardly see the screen for laughthing.
    Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
    Weather nut and sad git.

    My Weather Page


    • So lemme get this straight.

      Rather than smack my kid's hand, you propose that I BURN it?

      You're a sick sadistic child abuser, is what you are. A serial burner. They have names for people like you in the mental hospital. Anyone know where Dancray lives? I'd really like to see what the authorities in his area think of a man who likes to burn little kids.

      - Gurm
      The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

      I'm the least you could do
      If only life were as easy as you
      I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
      If only life were as easy as you
      I would still get screwed


      • Originally posted by Gurm
        Anyone know where Dancray lives?
        - Gurm
        Not this planet some other sick little world but not this planet. His body may walk around here but his err Brain doesn't.
        Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
        Weather nut and sad git.

        My Weather Page


        • Originally posted by dancray
          Let the child learn from the mistake, rather than from a beating. Just be a creative and anticipative parent. Start with hamsters, work up to puppies and so is not the child's fault that a parent lacks creativity. Plus by the example of a creative solution the child just might start to learn and be creative in problem solving versus violence as a solution.

          You know Dancray, I've been following this thread all along. Not sure if I posted here before or not, and to lazy to go back and check. I've felt sorry for you. Up until know. You have everyright to your own opinion and frankly noone can tell you you are wrong. Because you are right. In your eyes.

          I agree with letting a child learn from their mistakes. But once they are old enough to comprehend what they are doing.

          From this comment above it seems as though you would rather scar the child physically, rather than emotionally. I have a 5 month old. If she's sitting with me, at the table, and she reaches for my hot cup of coffee I should
          A. Let her spill it all over herself and scald her body then run and make another coffee and test it to see if she learned yet.
          B. Smack her hand realizing I saved her from second degree burns but having to live with the fact that I slapped her.

          How about another analogy. 2 boys. As we all know boys will be boys. 2 boys fighting over a toy. Make the toy a baseball bat. The kids are pushing one another. In a rage, one boy hits the other boy in the back of the head with the bat. Does this child need a time out? Or a swift kick in the ass? And the discipline you dishout isn't because you have lost patience or are short tempered. This boy may have seriously injured the other child.

          Shall we try reasoning in hopes that it won't happen again?

          "You make me hornier before 9 AM than most
          people do all day!"


          • I got my fair share of "seat-warmers" from my Dad as a boy. As I recall the level of heat was remarkably measured to the temperature of the offense. While I didn't look too fondly on it at the time, I can look back with much respect for the job my Dad did in impressing right and wrong, as well as accepting the punishment for a wrongfull deed.

            It's been a few years since my Dad passed on and my Mom related to me how both of them would discuss wether or not too much or too little force was used when a spanking was administered. Both my parents were very concerned over the whole spanking vs. reasoning.

            My Dad was a very verbal man and hated having to use corporal methods. Later on when my head started accepting logical discussions he used that before the spanking.

            I have seen some cases of abuse that would involve a child being hit for not bringing a beer fast enough to a parent. That absolutely turns my stomach when I see it.

            The way I see it their is a night and day difference between discipline and abuse. Those who can't see that scare me.
            Perspective cannot be taught. It must be learned.


            • Thank god I wasn't your child dancray. Gurm is right; you're a perfect example of society's problems.

              P.S. Not sure why you deleted your post dancray and moved it after mine. That didn't make any sense... Of course, you don't make very much sense anyway.
              Last edited by BuddMan; 31 May 2002, 17:00.
              System Specs:
              Gigabyte 8INXP - Pentium 4 2.8@3.4 - 1GB Corsair 3200 XMS - Enermax 550W PSU - 2 80GB WDs 8MB cache in RAID 0 array - 36GB Seagate 15.3K SCSI boot drive - ATI AIW 9700 - M-Audio Revolution - 16x Pioneer DVD slot load - Lite-On 48x24x48x CD-RW - Logitech MX700 - Koolance PC2-601BW case - Cambridge MegaWorks 550s - Mitsubishi 2070SB 22" CRT

              Our Father, who 0wnz heaven, j00 r0ck!
              May all 0ur base someday be belong to you!
              Give us this day our warez, mp3z, and pr0n through a phat pipe.
              And cut us some slack when we act like n00b lamerz,
              just as we teach n00bz when they act lame on us.
              For j00 0wn r00t on all our b0x3s 4ever and ever, 4m3n.


              • P.S. Not sure why you deleted your post dancray and moved it after mine. That didn't make any sense...
                He likes to do that. If you ever want to respond to dancray, make sure you copy and paste his words. Even then, he will accuse you of putting words in his mouth. I can't understand why. It's not a very "Chrisitan" thing to do, is it dancray?
                Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


                • Dancry makes me think about creatures like I'v read about in books like the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.
                  Seems he's some kind of troll that lives on antagonism.

                  Trying to reason with him is like trying to reason with a spoon.
                  Thank god he doesn't live near me, I wouldn't like my (future) children to learn bad manners (and worse) from his.


                  • To Gurm:

                    What I (dancray) wrote:

                    "then put the stove on low heat so he does not burn but hot enough for him to notice. "

                    please note I said "not burn"

                    What Gurm read:

                    "you propose that I BURN it? You're a sick sadistic child abuser, is what you are. "

                    Gurm, can you not read?

                    I simply did not write what you said I did. How many times do I have say "not burn" for you to understand "not burn".

                    I cannot have a reasonable discussion with an adult who make things up.

                    And your personal attacks, well...I think it is obvious you need to cool down before writing things. Accusations like that are really outrageous, and slanderous.

                    Last edited by dancray; 31 May 2002, 21:59.


                    • Dancray at which temperature does adult skin burn and which temperature does a baby's skin suffer damage.

                      Also care to respond to the coffee cup example from before?
                      Juu nin to iro

                      English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


                      • Dancray,

                        Please inform me when, in your daily life as a parent, would you propose to teach your child of a hot stove?

                        The only way they learn is when you are COOKING something. Are you proposing I turn the heat down on my stove until my daughter learns the bad things of touching it hot? Then feed her the warmed up raw hamburger....oh wait, you are probably a vegetarian too....make that lukewarm mac and cheese uncooked noodles.

                        How about sticking coins in the light socket? Do you propose I plug off all my outlets and reduce the voltage in my home so she doesn't do such things?

                        Your logic is totally twisted.



                        • Originally posted by dancray
                          To Gurm:

                          What I (dancray) wrote:

                          "then put the stove on low heat so he does not burn but hot enough for him to notice. "
                          Then what, the child learns that touching the stove will not burn him/her. Sure, until the next time you cook on it you nork, when the child will even less cautous and give him/herself a serious burn!

                          You crack me up.

                          I would feel sorry for you...

                          But I cleaned the house today. Sorry.
                          80% of people think I should be in a Mental Institute


                          • i think he was sayin put the childs hand over the heat so the child can feel the difference in the temperature change. but i'm not so sure that is a great idea. cos it would be hard to determine what temperature is right.. and kinda silly really.. the child might think its cool to feel the heat.. but they will learn otherwise later when they go to touch it.. god knows i did.


                            • oh and also.. parenting is ddtermined from parent to child. its individual thing, some things might work for one and that may not work for another. So we cant determine if one was is right and one way is wrong.. we cant say if spanking is good or bad really. so lets stop debating this.

                              what happened to everyone being in good moods cos of P?


                              • what happened to everyone being in good moods cos of P?
                                We are it's just sometimes you have to confront this idiotic way of thinking.

                                but I'll just leave spanking to passionate and consenting adults.
                                Not only does he advocate allowing a child to burn themselves to learn a lesson, but he is also, what some would consider, a prevert.

                                And I really appreciate your desire to keep this topic going and waiting for my comments. Makes me feel validated, despite what you say otherwise.
                                That is the way all extreme left liberals feel. That no matter how wrong they really are as long as someone is willing to debate with them then they must somehow be right.

                                I simply did not write what you said I did. How many times do I have say "not burn" for you to understand "not burn".
                                And how many times do we have to say "not beat" for you to understand "not beat"??

                                I cannot have a reasonable discussion with an adult who make things up.
                                Then why are you still here. You obviously will not be changing minds to your way of thinking, if anything you have manage to turn a few away from your way of think. That's one of the reasons why we continune to debate with people like you so that others can see how stupid your way of thinking really is. People like you say that they are caring about something (like "it's for the children") when in actuality all they are doing is looking out for number one and how they can benefit from it.

                                A prime example of this is the income tax battle we are having in my home state of Tennessee. Although they say it is for the children when you really look at the ones who are for it you can see that they are for because they somehow feel they will benefit from it. I personally can not understand how anyone can support allowing the government to reach into their back pocket and take even more of their money. But that's because they think it is being taken out of somebody else's pocket and that is alright, just as long as it is not out of their's, or somehow they will get more back more than is being taken out.

                                And your personal attacks, well...I think it is obvious you need to cool down before writing things. Accusations like that are really outrageous, and slanderous.
                                No different than yours except that he is more up front about it. Less politcally correct about it. He doesn't hide his insults behind subtlety which is a common poly of the exterme left. And if you feel that you have been so wronged then why don't you sue him. I can just hear it now. "But judge he called me an idiot. He called me a name. He hurt my feelings."

                                Have I have to agree with some of the others it is interesting how you will either delete or change your post after you are call out about something you typed, trying to make it look like you never typed it, and then claim that someone else is making it up.

                                Last edited by Joel; 1 June 2002, 07:15.
                                Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.



                                System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
                                OS: Windows XP Pro.
                                Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.

