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"Joint Resolution to Authorize the use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq"

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Wombat
    Hizboulah does not want to be a part of a government. It weakens their position if they can be blamed as part of the problem. They already turned down cabinet seats offered by Arafat.

    you have your facts twisted around a litle ..... Hizboula is in lebanon... arafat is in palestine.... ???? where do the cabinet seats come in.....

    apart from being a militia (one that should have been disbanded since the israilies withdrew) hiszboula is also a political party with seets in the parlament and cabinet........

    they are not asking for an independant islamic state... they have come to realise, like thier predesesors that in lebanon that canont be acheeved......

    and to be honest hizboula is by far less corupt than some of the other locals here.. (not that they are not crupt but they are not the wors...) what makes hisboula worse than anyone else is that they are the only faction after the war that retaind its militia openly..... there are others (the christians, other muslims and druz but officialy they disarmed... most of the christian militia IS disarmed but i have my doubts)

    as long as the israilis where ocupiying south lebanon the militia was legit...... but IMHO that should have been the task of the army instead... now that the israilis are out (except for the shebaa farms) everyone expected hisboula to throw down their armes... but the situation in lebanon is soooooooooooooo complex and mudled with sooooooo much curuption that untill now that did not hapen.... also being a semi pupet govt of syria dosent help.... but there is a peafull solution IF and only IF you know how to aproch it.... coming in guns blasing throwing around threats simply wont work...... and the other sulution is just tooo bloody..... and will see the start of a new civil war.....

    Doc... the way you post realy wories me..... though you do have most of your facts inplace you do not understand the way things work here.... difrent culture .. difrent ways of doing things.... there is always more than one way... look at them all and try the peacfull ones first (try them out in the proper way) this offcourse will meen that both the US and mostly Israil will have to make some consetions but it will work..... when two parties refuse to sit down and listen to each other there cannot be peace...... and belive me when i say that you would be surprised to see wht can be acomplished this way....
    "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


    • #47

      Your deal just means that you let the world keep what you left by leaving.
      So the jews who died in the gas chambers just "left" ?
      Or the Jews massacred in pogroms all over Arab countries just "left" too ?
      Fleeing and diein isn't LEAVING you ignorant fool !


      • #48
        So the jews who died in the gas chambers just "left" ?
        Or the Jews massacred in pogroms all over Arab countries just "left" too ?
        Fleeing and diein isn't LEAVING you ignorant fool !
        Far from me the will to insinuate that.

        But the arabs that lived in Israel and fled or died are not comprised in your infinite generosity and comprehension?

        And please, stop blasting "ignorant" at every of your post, it just undermines your posts, not mine.


        • #49
          The arabs that came to Israel Immigrated here from other neighbouring countries out of their own will. NOBODY invited them.

          Start counting all the 400K arabs that might have a rel claim for something and then count the thousand and millions of jews who fled and died worldwide.
          There is enough property for all those Arabs in the neighbouring countries.
          So go on missing the point just because you're an ignorant anti-semite.


          • #50
            dogbert: hizbolah action is concentrated on the last peice of lebanese land still ocupied by isreail ... the chebaa farms..... just like they stoped bombing northern israil when the israilies withdrew they will stop bombing chebaa when they withdraw... same goes to the palestinian intifada... ratify the UN resolutions standing against isreail concerning palestine and the intifada will stop...... the use of force is unwarented and the facts surownding its nessecity are fals..... Dogbert: there are many who want peace and doors to open with israil.... the only complication is the israili unwilingness to take the right steps towards peace.......
            the more you bring out issues from the past the more conflict there will be... just like the situation here in lebanon... it started with the Maronites and Druz who where great freinds at the beginig but the aoutomans interfeerd and pited them against eachother.... and since then there has been nothing but civilwar.... the muslims came in to the picture only last century.... and the main problem at that point was a very stupid one that was making the true problem... power greed.... that is the same problem in Isreail/Palestine..... POWER GREED from both sides.....

            Dogbert: the israilis are not the only victims.... the civilian population of BOTH sides are the victims while the governments strugle for control.......

            i would like to point out that the armenians have been sloughterd by the millions in turky at the begining of the 20th century but no one seems to aknowlage what wrong has been done on to them simply becuse it is not conveninient......... i hope you get my point cause i am simply to overwhelmed of some things i am facing at the moment to be more coherant and please excuse my spelling i am dysllexic and dont feel like spellcheking....

            Vlip: i agree with most of what you are saying
            "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


            • #51
              Originally posted by Dogbert
              The arabs that came to Israel Immigrated here from other neighbouring countries out of their own will. NOBODY invited them.
              Nobody invited the Jews in Europe either
              Does that mean that you have no claim to compensation to what happened to the Jews during WWII?

              Bullshit, and you know it.

              Start counting all the 400K arabs that might have a rel claim for something and then count the thousand and millions of jews who fled and died worldwide.
              And really, what are you trying to insinuate? That's it's ok to kill "only" 400'000 arabs?
              Would the holocaust be "OK" if Hitler stopped gazing Jews when he reached the number of 400'000?

              Bullshit again.

              There is enough property for all those Arabs in the neighbouring countries.
              Yes, and if for some reason I get expelled from Switzerland, there is another property in WhitieEurope for me to live in, still doesn't change that I'm swiss, not French. Still doesn't change that I have my roots in the Jura mountains in Switzerland and not in Marseille.


              • #52
                further more there is no justification for any party to claim that beacuse this party did this and that to me then i what i do on to it is justified....... even if it is mentioned in the holy books "an eye for and eye.. etc.... " that is wrong and evil .. be it Isreaili agreetion against palestininas and/or palestinian suicied bombers... but it is not wrong to ask for what right ... and there is nothing wrong to ask for freedom of oprestion.......

                ok i am getting tierd of this........
                "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


                • #53
                  i would like to point out that the armenians have been sloughterd by the millions in turky at the begining of the 20th century but no one seems to aknowlage what wrong has been done on to them simply becuse it is not conveninient......... i hope you get my point cause i am simply to overwhelmed of some things i am facing at the moment to be more coherant and please excuse my spelling i am dysllexic and dont feel like spellcheking....
                  True, the great forgotten tragedy of humanity.


                  • #54
                    Nobody invited the Jews in Europe either.
                    Your ignorance is showing, Vlip.. Otto I, the first Holy Roman Emperor, while fighting in Italy, had his horse killed from beneath him. A Jew brought him a fresh horse, saving his life and the battle. For this he promised the Jew that his people could settle in his empire. However rash this may have been, and however you might view monarchy, you cannot say they weren't invited, specifically and by the only one who could invite them.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Vlip

                      And really, what are you trying to insinuate? That's it's ok to kill "only" 400'000 arabs?
                      Would the holocaust be "OK" if Hitler stopped gazing Jews when he reached the number of 400'000?
                      You really have a huge problem understanding things, ha ?

                      I said that from the millions of Arabs that say they have claims for things in Israel you could find around 400,000 with legitimate claims while the rest have no legitimation. Those 400,00 cold split whatever jewish property there in in neighbouring Arab countries between themselves since many more than 400,000 jews fleed / been murdered there.
                      Kapish ?

                      Originally posted by Vlip

                      Nobody invited the Jews in Europe either
                      Does that mean that you have no claim to compensation to what happened to the Jews during WWII?

                      Bullshit, and you know it.
                      Different from what you'd like to think, the Jews weren't given the chance to flee and those who somehow managed were forbidden from entering many countries only to be SENT BACK TO EUROPE BY FORCE in order to be slaughtered by the Germans.
                      Your country was one of those by using her so called neutrality to stop Jews from entering while giving Jewish residents to the Germans.


                      • #56
                        And by the way Vlip. Those Jews were as German / French / Spanish / etc. as any other native. The only difference was their religion. They were truely and fully assimilated in those countries.

                        So that's the European idea ? First we assimilate and then we annihalate ?


                        • #57
                          And a little proof:

                          12 of the 100 memebers of the Reichstag (German parliment) were Jewish in 1912


                          • #58
                   any case, there's one jew around here who is pretty full of gas, and doesn't seem to mind gasing the rest of us at all...
                            How can you possibly take anything seriously?
                            Who cares?


                            • #59
                              I am an Amorite....

                              Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
                              [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


                              • #60
                                "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"

