4 words for you all:
<b>National Festival of Beers</b>
It's an annual event at a pub near where I used to live (still near here, just not within walking distance now.
<i>Over 130 beers on tap</i>! There are some wierd and wonderful concoctions there - such as the aptly named "Hemp Beer", which is filtered through Hemp - and names like "Canetoad", "Old Admiral", and "Quayle Ale".
The best I've sampled (I've only tried about 10 of them in the 2 years I've gone to it) has to be Beez Neez. It's only available at 3 places that I know of. One is at the beer festival. Another is the brewery at the Gold Coast where it's made. It costs twice as much as a regular beer does ($49 for a carton as opposed to about $22 for commerical products) but it's worth it's weight in gold!!

It's brewed with Honey and instead of having that typical beer aftertaste, it has a really really smooth honey aftertaste (up until then it tastes like a normal beer).
Anyway, check out the event and the menu <a href="http://www.storybridgehotel.com.au/nationalfestivalofbeers/front.htm" target="_blank">here</a>
<b>National Festival of Beers</b>

It's an annual event at a pub near where I used to live (still near here, just not within walking distance now.

<i>Over 130 beers on tap</i>! There are some wierd and wonderful concoctions there - such as the aptly named "Hemp Beer", which is filtered through Hemp - and names like "Canetoad", "Old Admiral", and "Quayle Ale".
The best I've sampled (I've only tried about 10 of them in the 2 years I've gone to it) has to be Beez Neez. It's only available at 3 places that I know of. One is at the beer festival. Another is the brewery at the Gold Coast where it's made. It costs twice as much as a regular beer does ($49 for a carton as opposed to about $22 for commerical products) but it's worth it's weight in gold!!

It's brewed with Honey and instead of having that typical beer aftertaste, it has a really really smooth honey aftertaste (up until then it tastes like a normal beer).
Anyway, check out the event and the menu <a href="http://www.storybridgehotel.com.au/nationalfestivalofbeers/front.htm" target="_blank">here</a>