Originally posted by Rags
Don't broad sweep all of us because a few can't take humor. We all know that we shouldn't judge our forums at the HOCP because of the lowest common denominator (thank god for that
What I would like to see in your review is you actually taking the time to play these games on the card for a few days, and get yourself squared on it. You know, spend some time with it, and do a seat of the pants comparision by doing the same with your GF4. I would like that.
Don't broad sweep all of us because a few can't take humor. We all know that we shouldn't judge our forums at the HOCP because of the lowest common denominator (thank god for that

What I would like to see in your review is you actually taking the time to play these games on the card for a few days, and get yourself squared on it. You know, spend some time with it, and do a seat of the pants comparision by doing the same with your GF4. I would like that.


Actual game playing was something I did for our Ti launch and I think that we were the only site that did that. While spending a few days is usually not a luxury we are going to have (hell, who am I kidding, that is not going to happen), we did take a solid eight hours and test the equipment in gameplay, to hell with the FPS! I agree that quantitative data in the form of FPS sucks, but when you move past that you get into the subjective. And that seems to cause more problems than anything now days.
Playing games and giving our thoughts and impressions is something we will continue to do. Thanks for the 411!