<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Joel, i think i`m not insulting anyone, nor was my intention to do so. I just wanted to hear some oppinions on this matter.</font>
As for the US, I can feel with windigo. If anyone has a right to be pissed off it should be the Native Americans. IMO they have been mistreated, as a group, worse than any African-American or whatever hyphenated American has a right to claim. But they have managed IMO to overcome this and try to live as one with their fellow man.

We all breath the same air. We all drink the same water. And we all bleed red so why do we have to go on killing each other in the name of religion or over a piece of land that only causes futher division? Makes no sense to me sometimes. Oh well.

[This message has been edited by Joel (edited 06 March 2001).]