Alrighty... here I go again...
After the last shindig I am still with the wife, being on amniable terms and since I couldn't talk to this friend I concentrated on keeping her from getting any sicker (I think stress is starting to wear on her... she had to goto the hospital and they gave her medication for her stomach but even the nurse and doctor were relieved when it just took some high powered acid reducer with special painkiller to cause the 6 hours of constant pressure pain to numb... it was either that or a nice trip to toronto to a cardiac unit, to find the problem... now that was scary.... but I shall leave that be for the time being.
Anyways... after a brief interlude... I was talking to my friend... she had gone on a blind date on the weekend with her boss's nephew... that went fairly well I guess... so that makes me feel a bit put down and jelous... but she had me over for most of the day (from 10-2 for lunch and 4:30-7:00) for supper. Just to have company.
Anyways this guy said she should get more ram (She had 64 he said she should have 128) so I popped in a 128 I had sitting around (I was going to do it someday anyways).. I changed her 6.4 GB WD drive to a 40 GB Fujitsu that has been collecting Dust on my shelf. And this weekend I am installing DSL and a CD Burner into her system (24x lite-on) Now all I have to get her system up to speed is change the 300 K6-2 to either a 450 or 500 or 550 K6-2.
Well anyways.. Lunch and Supper were nice... but after I went home I went on MSN later on to see if anyone was on and she was so we got to talking, (For about 2 and a half hours) of course she was talking to other guy at the same time...
To make a long story short I decided to find the answer to a nagging question.. so I told her I wanted to ask her a foolish question... she said.. well there are no such things as foolish questions.. I said.. yes there is... there no such thing as a dumb quesiton... The difference between the two is not knowing and needing to know (Dumb Question) and not knowing and not needing to know (Foolish Question) she started to get a little impatient and wanted to know what the question was and told me to ask.. so I did... (Here is the question as well as I can recall) and I know in the first or second page of this thread I was warned about asking a question like this but I did anyways...
In a Perfect world.. if we had met under similar circumstances and had been through and done exactly as we had up and to this point... without my being wedded to another, would our feelings as they stand now, have led into a relationship beyond friendship... This is a question that does not reflect on the current situation and or decisions that I am facing in my personal life, but are a gnawing sore on my thoughts and in my knowing the answer I will have not gained anything other than some closure.
You do not have to answer.
She paused for a while... Possibly to reflect.. more than likely to talk to other guy while I was typing out such a long msg.
Its her answer that is causing some pain though...
I wish I could remember her exact words. But I think this is close enough... (The tone might be off... it was more consolitory than anything else.. and a bit defensive)
But you are married. I don't want to say anything to change that.
ARGHHHHHHHHH *Splat* (Ever had your emotions you thought you had sorted out break loose and slam your thought process into a brick wall)
My life is ping ponging around worse that a mixture of Young and the Restless and Days of Our Lives.
At least I was truthful about it being an unimportant question.. I would not drop everything and run into the arms of another woman...
Sometimes I wish I was Mel Gibson in that movie... "What women want" at least then I would be on a fair playing field... it seems everyone else knows what I am thinking...
I was in a coffee shop the other day sitting with a friend and his girlfriend and her friend sat down and we were chatting and then I said well.. I have to go pick up Nikki... and the girls friend looked me straight in the eye and said... "You don't want to do that do you."
Talk about freaking twilight zone... being a small town and all I am not suprised.. but she was from out of town and I hadn't seen these people in months.
Now I wonder... if this is happening to plain old me... I wonder how many thousands of other are go through the same stuff...
At least knowing that I am not the only poor SOB in this predicament makes me feel a little better
After the last shindig I am still with the wife, being on amniable terms and since I couldn't talk to this friend I concentrated on keeping her from getting any sicker (I think stress is starting to wear on her... she had to goto the hospital and they gave her medication for her stomach but even the nurse and doctor were relieved when it just took some high powered acid reducer with special painkiller to cause the 6 hours of constant pressure pain to numb... it was either that or a nice trip to toronto to a cardiac unit, to find the problem... now that was scary.... but I shall leave that be for the time being.
Anyways... after a brief interlude... I was talking to my friend... she had gone on a blind date on the weekend with her boss's nephew... that went fairly well I guess... so that makes me feel a bit put down and jelous... but she had me over for most of the day (from 10-2 for lunch and 4:30-7:00) for supper. Just to have company.
Anyways this guy said she should get more ram (She had 64 he said she should have 128) so I popped in a 128 I had sitting around (I was going to do it someday anyways).. I changed her 6.4 GB WD drive to a 40 GB Fujitsu that has been collecting Dust on my shelf. And this weekend I am installing DSL and a CD Burner into her system (24x lite-on) Now all I have to get her system up to speed is change the 300 K6-2 to either a 450 or 500 or 550 K6-2.
Well anyways.. Lunch and Supper were nice... but after I went home I went on MSN later on to see if anyone was on and she was so we got to talking, (For about 2 and a half hours) of course she was talking to other guy at the same time...
To make a long story short I decided to find the answer to a nagging question.. so I told her I wanted to ask her a foolish question... she said.. well there are no such things as foolish questions.. I said.. yes there is... there no such thing as a dumb quesiton... The difference between the two is not knowing and needing to know (Dumb Question) and not knowing and not needing to know (Foolish Question) she started to get a little impatient and wanted to know what the question was and told me to ask.. so I did... (Here is the question as well as I can recall) and I know in the first or second page of this thread I was warned about asking a question like this but I did anyways...
In a Perfect world.. if we had met under similar circumstances and had been through and done exactly as we had up and to this point... without my being wedded to another, would our feelings as they stand now, have led into a relationship beyond friendship... This is a question that does not reflect on the current situation and or decisions that I am facing in my personal life, but are a gnawing sore on my thoughts and in my knowing the answer I will have not gained anything other than some closure.
You do not have to answer.
She paused for a while... Possibly to reflect.. more than likely to talk to other guy while I was typing out such a long msg.
Its her answer that is causing some pain though...
I wish I could remember her exact words. But I think this is close enough... (The tone might be off... it was more consolitory than anything else.. and a bit defensive)
But you are married. I don't want to say anything to change that.
ARGHHHHHHHHH *Splat* (Ever had your emotions you thought you had sorted out break loose and slam your thought process into a brick wall)
My life is ping ponging around worse that a mixture of Young and the Restless and Days of Our Lives.
At least I was truthful about it being an unimportant question.. I would not drop everything and run into the arms of another woman...
Sometimes I wish I was Mel Gibson in that movie... "What women want" at least then I would be on a fair playing field... it seems everyone else knows what I am thinking...
I was in a coffee shop the other day sitting with a friend and his girlfriend and her friend sat down and we were chatting and then I said well.. I have to go pick up Nikki... and the girls friend looked me straight in the eye and said... "You don't want to do that do you."

Talk about freaking twilight zone... being a small town and all I am not suprised.. but she was from out of town and I hadn't seen these people in months.
Now I wonder... if this is happening to plain old me... I wonder how many thousands of other are go through the same stuff...
At least knowing that I am not the only poor SOB in this predicament makes me feel a little better
