Still with Wife, She still wants to leave me, will be taking over my own computer shop in a month or two, Friend that I fell in love with is very close still (I see here 3 or 4 times a week for a few hours each time) and we email each other almost every day.
Haven't done anything naughty yet, and don't plan on it.
Its amazing how you think things would change quickly, but I guess they don't.
For me the perfect thing would be to have my wife leave me.
Her reasons would be:
- I don't make enough to support us both at the moment and she doesn't want to put any effort into geting a job.
- She wants kids like now and I know it ain't going to happen, not until I have a stable home/financial situation first.
- She thinks I don't love her anymore, which isn't true, I just love someone else just as much.
- I work 10 hours a day (I love my job) and split the rest of my time between my friend, my wife and the computer. and she doesn't like that I am away all the time. (She knows I visit my friend maybe once every two weeks. The rest of the time I don't let her know about because she complains about the once every two weeks that she does know about.
- I don't have enough money for the important things (Like the bowflex/stairmaster/excersice equipment she saw on an infommercial ($1999 American!!!!) or that diet plan she saw on TV. (Lose 20 pounds in seven days)
And then Devistated, I move in with my friend (She has a spare room she is thinking of renting) and even if nothing comes of it (She says she isn't ready for any kinda relationship since her ex-BF left her for another girl right after she had just had the baby) but she likes company and thinks that the only way to really get to know someone is to live with them. I would at least get to enjoy a great friendship when friendships around here tend to not last very long.
Ok... so I am dreaming.
But definately something is going to change soon... especially when I tell the wife I can't afford the apartment (Due to a rent increase 571 + 200 dollars food a month if not more + 110 dollars for the phone and HighSpeed DSL + 43 dollars for the cable + Pet Food, Credit Card Bills, Student Loan Repayment, Gas, Coffee.
In the end I think it works out to
1200 bucks a month income (At current rate, this is after 20% been set aside for my car fund, and the taxes have come off)
1700 dollars outgoing (If I can defer my student loans for another 6 months I would just have to pay 1400 a month.
Nikki hates that I borrow money from my parents... but she wanted this damn apartment anyways I could live comfortably off of 1200 dollars a month but two people and 3 cats with an apartment... no way. And just think... if I hadn't been forced out of my parents spare room (The wife didn't want to live there anymore because she felt as though we were mooching from them (food, water, the vehicle, hydro) even though I was paying them 300 dollars a month to cover some costs.
If we had stayed there the totals would have looked more like this.
Income $1200
Outcome $500
Big differance....
One of these days I will show the wife the account books... Then I might make her think twice about complaining about money!
Well that pretty much ends my rant for now... more to come later.
Still with Wife, She still wants to leave me, will be taking over my own computer shop in a month or two, Friend that I fell in love with is very close still (I see here 3 or 4 times a week for a few hours each time) and we email each other almost every day.
Haven't done anything naughty yet, and don't plan on it.
Its amazing how you think things would change quickly, but I guess they don't.
For me the perfect thing would be to have my wife leave me.
Her reasons would be:
- I don't make enough to support us both at the moment and she doesn't want to put any effort into geting a job.
- She wants kids like now and I know it ain't going to happen, not until I have a stable home/financial situation first.
- She thinks I don't love her anymore, which isn't true, I just love someone else just as much.
- I work 10 hours a day (I love my job) and split the rest of my time between my friend, my wife and the computer. and she doesn't like that I am away all the time. (She knows I visit my friend maybe once every two weeks. The rest of the time I don't let her know about because she complains about the once every two weeks that she does know about.
- I don't have enough money for the important things (Like the bowflex/stairmaster/excersice equipment she saw on an infommercial ($1999 American!!!!) or that diet plan she saw on TV. (Lose 20 pounds in seven days)

And then Devistated, I move in with my friend (She has a spare room she is thinking of renting) and even if nothing comes of it (She says she isn't ready for any kinda relationship since her ex-BF left her for another girl right after she had just had the baby) but she likes company and thinks that the only way to really get to know someone is to live with them. I would at least get to enjoy a great friendship when friendships around here tend to not last very long.

Ok... so I am dreaming.
But definately something is going to change soon... especially when I tell the wife I can't afford the apartment (Due to a rent increase 571 + 200 dollars food a month if not more + 110 dollars for the phone and HighSpeed DSL + 43 dollars for the cable + Pet Food, Credit Card Bills, Student Loan Repayment, Gas, Coffee.
In the end I think it works out to
1200 bucks a month income (At current rate, this is after 20% been set aside for my car fund, and the taxes have come off)
1700 dollars outgoing (If I can defer my student loans for another 6 months I would just have to pay 1400 a month.
Nikki hates that I borrow money from my parents... but she wanted this damn apartment anyways I could live comfortably off of 1200 dollars a month but two people and 3 cats with an apartment... no way. And just think... if I hadn't been forced out of my parents spare room (The wife didn't want to live there anymore because she felt as though we were mooching from them (food, water, the vehicle, hydro) even though I was paying them 300 dollars a month to cover some costs.
If we had stayed there the totals would have looked more like this.
Income $1200
Outcome $500
Big differance....
One of these days I will show the wife the account books... Then I might make her think twice about complaining about money!
Well that pretty much ends my rant for now... more to come later.