(You can't just walk in and flame away... you have to slowly add more gas to the already burning fires...)
Careful with that pie, you don't want to eat it (yet)... US may have bombed every single village in Afghanistan, deployed their bodybags, err.... foot troops and claimed the whole country, but they still haven't captured Bin Laden. In fact, they have no idea whether he is alive or not and his position is a mystery.
But they have succeeded in their effort to unite all the "neutral" islamic nations against the western world.
Careful with that pie, you don't want to eat it (yet)... US may have bombed every single village in Afghanistan, deployed their bodybags, err.... foot troops and claimed the whole country, but they still haven't captured Bin Laden. In fact, they have no idea whether he is alive or not and his position is a mystery.
But they have succeeded in their effort to unite all the "neutral" islamic nations against the western world.