A man is walking along a street in New York and sees a little tailor's shop called COHEN and O'REILLY. He goes in and talks to the typical little Jewish tailor behind the counter, telling him how impressed he is that for once the Irish and he Jews, often at one another's throats, have come together like this...
The little Jewish man seems unmoved...
'You sopprized by dis!?' he asks....
'Well, yes' the man replies, still oozing enthusiasm...
'I mean...COHEN and O'REILLY working together in the same shop.
I mean, It's different! It's heartwarming!'
'Vell', says the little Jewish tailor...
'Here's annuder soprize for you...I'm O'Reilly!'
The little Jewish man seems unmoved...
'You sopprized by dis!?' he asks....
'Well, yes' the man replies, still oozing enthusiasm...
'I mean...COHEN and O'REILLY working together in the same shop.
I mean, It's different! It's heartwarming!'
'Vell', says the little Jewish tailor...
'Here's annuder soprize for you...I'm O'Reilly!'