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What happened to the VigilAnt Rant topic?

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  • hm not posting often - used matrox products from 1988? until now (at least as 2 pci cards left in the current system im doing daily work on) (3 monitor system with 3 graphic cards).

    i nearly jumped the wagon when parhelia came out and was ready to preorder the card until i read a web review and the german c`t review about the 2d signal quality that became worser than the 450 one, about the poor drivers, the .NET support, the anisotropic etc which brought up a picture i didnt liked.
    after reading occasionally here about the banding issues the lower clocked retail cards i am quite happy that i never ordered it.

    if matorx falls a once shining name will go, but i think behind the courtains it felt already or atleast not much of what matrox was is still there..
    a company should treat the "fans" not only in good times with respect, and especially murc was a quick and reliable backbone of useful tools, and information exchange


    programmer i-mode, germany.
    Last edited by string; 28 November 2002, 14:17.


    • So the company with the worst drivers, and the company with the worst image quality are left to rule the roost.


      • Originally posted by maharajah
        So the company with the worst drivers, and the company with the worst image quality are left to rule the roost.
        Not really.

        SIS have launched two new cards
        Trident are rumoured to have something
        I'm pretty sure that PowerVR have something if they can find someone to actually make it

        And, more to the point, Matrox never really "ruled the roost" after the G200 days - imo
        "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen Roberts

        µße®LørÐ - A legend in his underwear
        Member of For F*ck Sake UT clan
        DriverHeaven administrator
        PowerVR Network administrator


        • i believe you mean G400MAX days.
          no matrox, no matroxusers.


          • lions led by donkeys
            is a flower best picked in it's prime or greater withered away by time?
            Talk about a dream, try to make it real.


            • Originally posted by thop
              i believe you mean G400MAX days.
              No, I mean G200.

              When the Unreal Direct3D driver was going through public beta, IIRC it only worked on G200's. Having a Mystique and and PowerVR PCX2 at the time I decided to go with the G200. I know many other people with a similar setup that did the same.

              I don't recall Matrox ever being as sucessful in the 3D market with any other card, including the G400's
              "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen Roberts

              µße®LørÐ - A legend in his underwear
              Member of For F*ck Sake UT clan
              DriverHeaven administrator
              PowerVR Network administrator


              • @VA -> if my posts was 1 of the reasons, lemme know and I'll stop.

                If I remember correctly, I posted the following facts:

                Florida office closed
                Toronto office closed
                7 rooms reserved for tomorrow's blood bath

                More new facts:
                They are treating us like scum with the banding problem.
                They are treating us like scum with the 217/220 clock problem.
                They treated us like scum with the Marvel Mjpeg.
                They treated us like scum with the Zoran DVD module.
                They are treating us like scum with the Linux tv out problem.

                My question is, who is resposible for this treatment and if he/she is still there, why?



                • I really wonder if Matrox ever noticed the significance of MURC. MURC is such a good resource to guide them what product they should launch. Yet they never listen (certainly i don't mean Haig, ex-sales soup and other few) Okay maybe i shouldn't even mention listening. At least they really shouldn't anger MURCers... their only fan base. Doing this is like committing sucide... and apparent MURC WAS their only major comsumer support. i wonder what kind of troble Matrox is facing that makes them do this. By attampting to shut consumers up is worse than doing nothing - becasuse consumers are the ones you big M is working for. Not to mention that MURC readers+posters are mostly the more high-end, knowledgeable ones (in fact many of us to work in similar industry)... so you can't really foul them. I am personally getting the impression that Matrox is insulting MURC readers' common sense, justification, and knowledge.

                  @Matrox: It is never too late. Make a press release about the recent matters. Don't waste money taping out + completing the design of a chip if you are not producing it. You really don't want to look like Bitboys, especially when your customer base are the more engineering/pro type of people.


                  • Think about it. If they managed to screw over all or most of their mjpeg clients, what makes you think they care about anyone else? For over a year, they were telling us to sit back and wait for the drivers. Being the idiot that I was, I beleived them and purchased 2k. Next thing I know, they canned the 2k drivers. WTF???

                    If you want to go back in history, they did a similar stunt twice before. The impression cards were supposed to have an mpeg playback module. After a year the card was out, they said no mpeg card is coming. They said that a dvd module was coming for the rainbow runner studio card. Once again, after about a year of waiting, they said, sorry, we ain't getting it.

                    My question is, who is resposible for this treatment and if he/she is still there, WTF is wrong with you people?



                    • Originally posted by Chief_Inspector

                      My question is, who is resposible for this treatment and if he/she is still there, why?
                      I think they just don't care and that goes up to the head management. Its not like they have a group of investors that would raise holy hell about them not producting a new brand new product in 3+ years and all the other problems that they had with other products. Just look at ATI did...not sure about the busniess end if they had any management changes, but they came out with a product thats worth a damn (R8500) and the drivers are "ok" now and it seems like they are working on their Customer Support (even heard some rumors about people, but) end and now they have the buzz of having the fastest Video card on the market till April of next year.

                      I'm sure that everyone that has some say to Matrox raised these issues with them, but it fell on death ears and they are paying the price for not listening to them. I've just about written them off now and I'm looking to ditch my 2 extra 19 in montors and my Parhelia and getting a Radeon 9700 Pro to stick in my main rig...thats how fed up I am. I spent 3 yrs for them to come out with a card thats decent in 3D and with all this BS that is happening I about to tell them to go F themselfs....
                      Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?


                      • hey FanBoy watch your tongue you might loose your custom title
                        no matrox, no matroxusers.


                        • The original threads had been up, like what a Month or two? It took Matrox THAT long to even notice the 2 threads???

                          In its continued silence, denial and now censorship, Matrox clearly has demonstrated its value of MURC and its community. Now seems like an ideal time to head over to either the NV or ATI fan sites and register, what do you all say, three Ants?

                          I can't honestly say that I'm even the least bit surprised.


                          • Originally posted by Chief_Inspector

                            Florida office closed
                            Toronto office closed
                            7 rooms reserved for tomorrow's blood bath
                            This is the 3rd time I'm posting this..
                            My condolences goes out to those who tommorow
                            find themselves without a means of self-support.

                            I always find that "The massive layoff" strategy is nothing
                            more than an attempt to maintain profit in the quickest
                            way possible.. most companies don't even cut budgets
                            or do any real trimming.. first sign of problems.. they start
                            to toss out the peasants, and while such layoffs happen
                            companies continue to have extravagent spending budgets
                            to take the clients to the local brothel.. to decorate and renovate.

                            now something that annoys me..
                            Those of you who seem to have some sort of miguided loyalty
                            to a profit oriented company.. well something is wrong with you..
                            all the fools who are going to post "M@tR0>< R00lz when p2 comes out I'm gonna get it..and it's gonna kick".. get a life
                            they're as loyal to you, as they are to all those people who got,
                            and are going to get the swift kick to the unemployment line.
                            ya think the rich guys who own matrox care about the banding issues.. they only care about how many units sell a month.
                            you're never going to get a statement titled "Free upgrade"
                            at best.. but very doubtful "$10.00 off with trade-in"
                            all these posts about visual and clock problems if it bothers you
                            ..most states have a 7 day return policy, bring it back.,
                            and buy something that doesn't have the problem.
                            past 7 days.. then complain it's a defect, and RMA it to
                            be repaired.. if they can't repair it.. get a refund.
                            All of you who are waiting for the loyalty of matrox to
                            it's customers.. keep checking the matrox website I'm
                            sure they're going to post a fix and statement soon..
                            if not.. then too bad, and live with it..

                            More new facts:
                            They are treating us like scum with the banding problem.
                            They are treating us like scum with the 217/220 clock problem.
                            They treated us like scum with the Marvel Mjpeg.
                            They treated us like scum with the Zoran DVD module.
                            They are treating us like scum with the Linux tv out problem.
                            the following information is totaly unrealted to the topic or matrox at all..
                            Any relation to living people or actual events is purly coincidental
                            these are just some random words that come to mind..

                            Quake Patch q1 -> q2 -> q3 -> vanished
                            Hey.. my Intel FX motherboard hangs.. must be the ram
                            Field inversion... nah.. just my eyes getting blurry
                            Why is my super duper MAXimum slower that yours?
                            hmmm 3 months passed gotta flash my computer bios's..
                            $500 porno player only in win3.1


                            • This is so sad. You've got a situation where a privately owned company tries to compete with the Corporate giants of nVidia and ATI and actually comes up with something 'not too bad' - but it's not quite right and some major problems got missed at release.

                              If Matrox want to get this sorted out then they will need to bite the bullet and get some specialist input from outside.

                              Really there are only 4 options left to Matrox.
                              1. Pour their own money at this problem, RMa the Parhelia and get the Pitou released ASAP
                              2. Admit defeat, apologise, and pull out of the market
                              3. Work on a collaboration with another Chip manufacturer (think PowerVR/Matrox card )
                              4. Do what nVidia and ATI have done and sell the technology to the Far East chip builders under licence. (I know this will raise the 'quality sucks' argument - but that's an issue anyway!)

                              Personally - I like option '3'. It allows Matrox to concentrate on their speciality of display quality - and leaves the 3D 'specialist' to iron out the 3D issues and we're left with a card that is really well balanced.
                              It's easy to die in the past. Staying alive is much more difficult!


                              • I posted the following to the Matrox General Hardware forum and sent it to the Matrox PR team as well. I think the Parhelia was my last Matrox product ever...


                                I am seriously disapointed in the way Matrox handles its customers and its fanbase. The recent events at MURC have made me arrive at the following decision:
                                I will not, under any circumstances, buy another Matrox product if the way Matrox handles its customers and fanbase does not change. This is not in any way related to how Haig et al handles customer support which I find flawless. Matrox must understand that the events at MURC, the one and only Matrox fansite, will be news all around the Internet and thus a lot of lurkers and potential customers (which have never even heard of MURC) will doubt Matrox ability to deliver on its promises.

                                The one and only thing that will make me change my mind, and probably a lot of other customers, is some kind of public statement in this and some other matters (banding and clocks speeds come to mind). Such statements could, if authored correctly, reinstante my confidence in Matrox as a supplier of hardware for my future computers.

                                I am amazed at the way this is handled by Matrox. Matrox does not seem to understand the implications of the recent actions. If even the most hardcore fans abandon Matrox, how on earth could Matrox think that they could keep any userbase at all?


                                Mattias (former Matrox-customer)

                                a Rebel at heart

